28 Aug 1782
Randolph, North Carolina
28 Sep 1841
Dandridge, Jefferson, Tennessee
3 Jan 1808
Jefferson, Tennessee
                   Jacob Routh I was a cabinet maker. He moved from Randolph County, NorthCarolina To Jefferson County, Tennessee in 1792 when he bought land andbuilt the Routh Mill.
He was a soldier in the state troop of North Carolina.
The Rouths are thought to be Quakers.
John Routh, son of Jacob I and father of Jacob II was born in NorthCarolina in 1782 and bought land on Dumplin Creek. He married ElizabethMashman , an orphan whose father was killed by Indians while on a hunt inTennessee mountains which flowed through the Routh farm. Or WhileProspecting in the hills of Tennessee, and after their Mother's death heronly brother returned to North Carolina, the home of their parents in thepast. She never heard of him again.
After their fathers death Jacob II and his brother Joseph  operated thegrist mill.
In 1845 Jacob built his Mother a fine home there, the home was sold in1851 when the family moved.
Joseph later did well selling cotton machinery in Butler Alabama.
Joseph left with an immigrant party en route to Texas. they came in one,two horse wagon and one four horse wagon and a carriage driven by  aNegro named Jake and carring Elizabeth M. Routh and other Women.
They left the Great Smokey Mountains and the second day passed throughKnoxville a town of 2500 people. When they arrived in Memphis they wereloaded on a ferry and a week later were in Hot Springs Arkansas. Theyarrived in Texas after traveling 1000 miles in 40 days.The trip cost theRouths $171.93,They spent the winter in Timber close to Garland Texas.
Jacob bought land, a section and a half for his sons Jefferson and Josephfor two dollars a  acre. His brother Washinton came a year later andbought a half section.
In the second year Jacob opened a merchandise store on a corner of hisfarm. He paid 42 cents a pound for 110 lbs. of feathers. The goodsarrived by freight wagons, in 1871 most of his stock was by stage coach.He operated a  site to feed the horses and men on the stage coach.Breakfast was furnished for 25 cents.
Jacob built a small log cabin in 1853, he was married to Lodema Campbell.He also built a school close by and in 1874 he also built a church thefirst one in Dallas County. He was finally called Rev. Jacob Routh,andpreached for several years. Jacob set aside a public buriel place, mostof the early pioneers were buried there, It was the resting place forWashington and Jefferson Routh The cemetery is still there but nomarkers.(B. C. Taylor) "my Fathers, Father is buried there"
The Stately old Jacob Routh Mansion was built in 1861 and worked over in1907. The house was just North of the General Expressway that has beenbuilt. All the family has died and the land has been sold. Vandals havetorn the big two story home to pieces, it was a place of wealth. It is astory of a pioneer family came from Tennessee to Richardson, DallasCounty, Texas. It was the family living quarters for a century twogenerations have occupied the home on the farm by Jacob Routh in 1950. hedied at his home in 1879 at the age of 61.

Facts about this person:

Burial    September 1841
Plano, Collin County, Texas
Elizabeth MASHMAN
North Carolina
20 Oct 1852
Collin, Texas
No Children Recorded
FamilyCentral Network
John Routh - Elizabeth Mashman

John Routh was born at Randolph, North Carolina 28 Aug 1782. His parents were Jacob Routh and Martha Redfern.

He married Elizabeth Mashman 3 Jan 1808 at Jefferson, Tennessee . Elizabeth Mashman was born at North Carolina 1788 .

John Routh died 28 Sep 1841 at Dandridge, Jefferson, Tennessee .

Elizabeth Mashman died 20 Oct 1852 at Collin, Texas .