22 Jan 1882
Skale, Slovenia, Yugoslavia
8 May 1945
Detroit, Michigan
Detroit, Michigan
Slovenia, Yugoslavia
                   John Berlisg legally changed last name to Berling in Detroit, Michigan.  He boarded at Francis Povirk Rednak's home in Yugoslavia, asked her to marry him. Took the family to Kansas where he and his brother mined coal.  A son, Dominic, was born to them in Kansas but died as a baby.  When the mines were worked out in the Girard, Kansas area (Ringo, Kansas), the family moved to Detroit.  He worked for Ford Motor Company because he had a great ability to fix machines and get them to run smoothly together.  He also was a great musician.  He could play many string instruments, and the organ. He conducted orchestras and choruses in Kansas and Michigan.  He raised all of Frances Povirks children.
He was the only Dad they knew.
Frances POVIRK
5 Dec 1879
Sveta Kris, Slovenia, Yugoslavia
13 Oct 1962
Detroit, Michigan
Detroit, Michigan
                   Frances Povirk wanted to come to the United States.  She worked from the time she was 14, saved her money and came to America when she was 18.  She couldn't speak any English but found her way to Eveleth, Minnesota where there were people she knew from her old country.  She worked helping a family run their store and care for their children.  She met Michael Rednak who played the accordian and worked in the mines.  They married, had children and moved to Moundsville, West Virginia to work the mines.  Michael was injured in a mining accident and died.  He owned a house in Yugoslavia, and told his wife she was still beautiful and to go back to Yugoslavia, live in the house with the orchards, marry again and raise the children.  Frances did that.  Used the home as a boarding house.  John Berlisg boarded there, asked Frances to marry him, moved the family to Kansas where he mined with his brother, and he directed orchestras and choruses.  They had a son, Dominic, who died as a baby from typhoid fever in Stone City, Kansas, March 1909.   There were 13 babies vaccinated for this disease, and they all died within 3 days.  When the mines were worked out, the Berlisg family moved to Detroit to say goodby to friends before they settled in California.  They never made it to California.  John Berlisg was a marvel with getting machinery to work.  Ford Motor Company kept him on in Detroit, and Frances and John Berlisg remained there til their death.
                   Dominic was born in Yugoslavia.  He immigrated to Stone City, Kansas with his family where his father's brother, Vincent, was working as a blacksmith for the mines.  There was an epidemic in the town and Dominic and 13 other babies died.
FamilyCentral Network
John Berlisg - Frances Povirk

John Berlisg was born at Skale, Slovenia, Yugoslavia 22 Jan 1882. His parents were Franc Frank Berling Berlisg and Elizabeth Auberseg.

He married Frances Povirk 1907 at Slovenia, Yugoslavia . Frances Povirk was born at Sveta Kris, Slovenia, Yugoslavia 5 Dec 1879 daughter of Michael Povirk and Agnes Lavrinc .

They were the parents of 1 child:

John Berlisg died 8 May 1945 at Detroit, Michigan .

Frances Povirk died 13 Oct 1962 at Detroit, Michigan .