William WYSS

30 Jul 1880
Thierachern, Bern, Switzerland
3 Oct 1952
Great Falls, Cascade, Montana
17 Apr 1915
Eden, Cascade, Montana
Family Records
Marriage Certificates
Memorial Records, in possession of Victor Barkley
Diary of Iris Barkley
Burial Records in possession of Victor Barkley
New.familysearch.org, May 2010
                   William emigrated from Switzerland in the early 1900s.  He died of chronic asthma and heart condition.[wysspeter.ged]

Family registry Isenfluh, born 30 July 1880 inThierachern.

Notes from personal interview with Walther E. Wyss, son of Hans Wyss.
May 28, 1989.  Walther said Bill (Wilhelm) and his father Hans (John)
came to the U.S. together,  Bill had very bad case of asthma,  went to
Montana to live for it.

Biography: Personal information from Michael Taylor Barkley, grandsonof William.  William em igrated from Switzerland in the early 1900s.

Death: Personal information from Michael Taylor Barkley, grandson of William.  He died ofchro nic asthma and heart condition.

Death: WYSS, WILLIAM: 1952 - NHLD New Highland Cemetery  NHLD CascadeCounty Montana
Cemetery Index

The following was taken from a biography written by Iris Barkley (Willaim's daughter) in 1976 for inclusion in the "A Century in the Foothills" family history book.  The facts of the birthplace being in Interlachen is not quite accurate, but the rest is true.

William Wyss was born in Interlachen, Switzerland, July 30, 1980. Like many adventurous young men of his day, he left his homeland for theUnited States with his brother John (Hans) and settled in Randolph, near Madison, Wisconsin in 1900.  While in Madison he attended "Dairy School" for training as a butter and cheesemaker.  It was this trainingwhich led to his securing the position as creamerman at the the new creamery at Eden, Montana, in 1910.  Eden is about 20 miles south of Great Falls.  While h e operated the creamery itx reputation grew and homesteaders from as far away as Calvert and Deep Creek journeyed to Eden to sell cream.  The records attest to its success.
It didn't take long for young Wyss to get acquainted with the young ladies of the area.  One of the most fetching was Dena Elissa Taylor.  Edna was born in Stockett on April 28, 1892, the eldest dauther of Alfred R. and Melissa Taylor.  The Taylors had been married in Illinois in 1887 and came to Montana by train in 1889.  They first settled in ahillside mhome in the Deep Creek (Smith River) area abd kater nived ti a okace southwest of the Wuerl property.  It was here that Edna andher younger sister, Grace (maried to CE Smiley, grew up.  Their home was one of the most gracious in the area, filled with books, floerers and beautfiful things.  In later years we grandchildren were always welcome visitors at Grandpa and Grandma Taylors.  Five youeras after Alfred Taylor died, grandma married Carl Korsland.  They spent time in Montana and Oregon.  She died in 1941.  Our days on the farm were gone forever.
After a period of courtship Billy and Edna were married on April 17, 1915.  They made their home in the little house built by the creamery association.
A daughter Iris, was born in September 29, 1916.  She recalls learning to wrap butter as a girl and can still do it.  That task made a greater impression on her mind than school which seemed a bit dull.
Billy had contracted asthma and in January of 1923 they packed up bagand baggage and moved to California.  Since mighty little was known about this disease in those days, the only advise a doctor could give him was that a change in altitude might benefit him. Sea level didn't help.  California was just beginning to boom, and as Iris said, "My mountain parents soon fled in dismay from the promoters and returned to Montana."
Billy bought the store at Eden in June of 1923 from a Mr. Pete Dahl. He paid $2,000.00 for the building and $2,000.00 for the stock. As well as the store, he was appointed the assistant post- master. There were many good times at Eden.  The store was the center of activity for the little community. There were many friendly visits around the stoveas the residents picked up their mail and bought provisions.   Eden Hall was another community center.  The married community would gather for cards while their wives sat along the benches at Eden Hall dances~ much to their chagrin. Some defied the unwritten law that they justsit and Iet the music go to waste, while others remained dutifully onthe sidelines.  Iris recalled getting all dolled up with ribbons and bows for a special occasion at the hall and being so concerned with who was watching that she slipped off the side of the porch into a pileof rakes, spoiling her freshly starched outfit.

Another recollection may give a clue to Edna Wyss' personality as follows: Bruneaus had a mean ram. He got out once. Billy, Edna and Iris were outside. Billy scooped Iris into his arms and Edna picked up an iron pipe and lambasted him enough to change his course. The ram died a few days later for no apparent reason, but there was always a questionin Edna's mind whether or not she hit him hard enough to do him in.
Fate intervenes in the lives of many and the following article from the December 15, 1924, Tribune was a turning point for the Wyss family.


Parents Among Spectators Who are Unable to Attempt Rescue as Flames Quickly Envelope Frame Structure

Three small boys, sons of C.E. Smiley, a rancher living near Eden, were burned to death 	Sunday afternoon when fire, thought to have been caused by an over-heated furnace, trapped the children on the second floor of the Eden General Store and gained such headway before discovered that rescue was impossible.
The dead are: Leslie Smiley, three and one-half years old, Donald Smiley, two and one-half years old, and Robert Smiley, ten months old.  Scores of people from nearby ranches were gathered 75 feet from the general store at a turkey shoot when the fire started, but not until someone noticed smoke rising from the roof  wasthe fire discovered. Included in the group Mr. and Mrs. Smiley, parents of the dead boys, who hadcome to Eden to spend the day with Mrs. Smiley's sister, Mrs. WilliamWyss, whose husband was the owner of the store building and assistantpostmaster at Eden.  The turkey shooting range was located back of the store building and when smoke was noticed coming from the roof, theonlookers rushed to the front door but found that part of the building enveloped in flames. They then ran to the rear entrance by had no sooner opened that than a seething mass of flame leaped out.  Within minutes the entire structure, a 25 by 80 foot frame building, was enveloped in flame."

Following this tragedy, Billy, Edna and Iris moved to Great Falls. Billy went to work for 	Vinyard Pump and Supply Co., then on to an ill-fated partnership that suffered because of the 	Depression. Better times came with another grocery store - the Square Deal Grocery in BostonHeights, where customers were able to	 take a streetcar back and forth. Billy never fully regained his health. He died of bronchial pneu	monia in October, 1952. Edna passed away in January 1972.  The Wyss family is remembered with warmth and affection by their friednds and family remaining in the Eden area.
Edna Elissa TAYLOR
28 Apr 1892
Stocket, Cascade, Montana
5 Jan 1972
Great Falls, Cascade, Montana

Death: WYSS, EDNA E.: 1972 - NHLD New Highland Cemetery  NHLD CascadeCounty Montana
Cemetery Index

Death: Social Security Death Index, Montana, WYSS, EDNA Social Security Number: 517-16-4376 M T b.  28 Apr 1892  d. Jan 1972 died:  MT  last residence: Great Falls, Montana 59401
FamilyCentral Network
William Wyss - Edna Elissa Taylor

William Wyss was born at Thierachern, Bern, Switzerland 30 Jul 1880. His parents were Christian Wyss and Anna Maria Waysen.

He married Edna Elissa Taylor 17 Apr 1915 at Eden, Cascade, Montana . Edna Elissa Taylor was born at Stocket, Cascade, Montana 28 Apr 1892 daughter of Alfred Roland Taylor and Sarah Melissa May Miller .

They were the parents of 1 child:

William Wyss died 3 Oct 1952 at Great Falls, Cascade, Montana .

Edna Elissa Taylor died 5 Jan 1972 at Great Falls, Cascade, Montana .