North Carolina
Ancestry World Tree
Ann Hutchinson HARRISON
Eyworth, Bedford, England
Queens Creek, York, Virginia
                   May have been married previously to someone named Harrison.She wrote accountof Bacon's Rebellion. Evidently she was related to King Charles, so no harmcame to them in spite of their support for Bacon. This account is in MA. Historical Society collection.#1 Why Hutcheson? Is there anything concrete on this? Fromthe W&M Q 5(1st series) page 123/4 is a note. "In the New England Historic andGenealogical Magazine Vol XLIV p 199 there is an examination of Mrs.Cotton'snarrative which is addressed to C.H. at Yardley in Northampshire. Mention is made of a family of Harrisons at Gobions Manor, Northampshire amongwhom the names Robert and Benjamin occur.Robert Harrison mentioned in Mrs. Wheeler's will (Records of York Co, VA 1692)The Wheeler plantation was in Hampton parish andthere is a deed dated Feb. 18, 1658-59 by which Francis Wheelersells all his land between King's and Queen's Creeks to Thomas Beale, who sold it to John Cotton.Dec 31, 1666, who latterly conveyed it to Col. NathanielBacon. This Cotton, as appears from a deed in 1666 had a wife Ann who was undoubtedly the famous "An Cotton of Queen's Creek" who wrote the history of Bacon's Rebellion. John Cotton was a witness to Mrs.Wheeler's will and receivedunder its provisions " a gold seal ring" PRINTED BY PETER FORCE-1835:To hisWife A. C. at Q. Creek. My deare, Allthough those who have depicted that fickle Godes, Fortune, have represented her under various shapes, there by to denote her inconstancys; yet do I thinke there is not any thing sublunary subjected to the vicissetudes of her temper so much as is the condition and estate ofman-kinde: All things ells partakes som thing of a stedfast and perminent decree excepting Man in the state ofhis affaires. The sun is constant in his Anuall progress through the Zodiack, the Moone in her changes, the other Planits in their Asspects: The productions of the Earth have a fixed constant season for there groath and increase, when that man (in his creation litle inferiour to the Angles) cannot promise unto-himself a fix'd condition, on this side Heaven.How many hath thou and I read off, that the sun hath shined upon in the East, with honours and Dignityes, which his western beames hath seene clouded with poverty, reproaches and contumelles.The same moment that saw Ceaser cheife Man in the senate, beheld him in a worss condition then the meanest slave in Rome; and in less then 6 howers Phoebus ey'd the Marqus of Ancrey, in the midst of his Rustling traine of servitures, not onely streameing out his blood,but spurn'd and drag'd up and down the dirtie streets of Paris, by the worst of mecanicks. It is but the tother day that I did see N. B. (Nathaniel Bacon) in the condition of a Tratour, to be tryed for his life; who but a few days before was judged the most accomplish'd Gen:man in Virginia to serve his King and countrey, at the councell Table, or to put a stopto the insolencies of theHeathen, and the next day rais'd to his dignities againe; Thus doth fortune sport her self with poore mortells, som times mount themup in to the aire (as Byes do Tennis balls) that they may com with the grater violence downe, and then a gane strike them a gainst the earth that they may with ye grater speed mount up in to the Aire &c. &c. From Towne, June 9, '76.
22 Apr 1658
Queens Creek, York, Virginia
21 Oct 1660
of Queens Creek, York, Virginia
Abt 1662
Queens Creek, York, Virginia
FamilyCentral Network
John Cotton, Sir - Ann Hutchinson Harrison

John Cotton, Sir was born at England 1625. His parents were Thomas Cotton and Margaret Howard.

He married Ann Hutchinson Harrison . Ann Hutchinson Harrison was born at Eyworth, Bedford, England 1640 .

They were the parents of 3 children:
John Cotton born 22 Apr 1658.
Mary Cotton christened 21 Oct 1660.
Walter Cotton born Abt 1662.

John Cotton, Sir died 1691 at North Carolina .

Ann Hutchinson Harrison died at Queens Creek, York, Virginia .