John Francis BERRY

4 Sep 1832
Lying, West Bromwich, Stafford, England
23 Sep 1832
West Bromwich, Stafford, England
27 Oct 1915
San Bernardino, San Bernardino, California
29 Oct 1915
Santa Ana, Orange, California
26 Mar 1862
Salt Lake City, Salt Lake, Utah
                   Source includes, but is not limited to:
Ancestral File and the IGI, International Genealogical Index,both
resource systems developed and solely owned by The Church of JesusChrist of
Latter Day Saints.
Birth: West Bromwich, Staffordshire LDS Branch Membership records (FHL
also see; Endowment House living/endowment, 24 Nov 1866 (FHL#183405-R). Born
in Lyng, a part of West Bromwich, Staffordshire, England.
Christening: All Saints, West Bromwich BTs (FHL #487349).
Marriage #1: British marriage certificate, General Register Office,London.
Marriage #2: Salt Lake City, Utah 14th LDS Ward Membership records,page 3
(FHL #026695).
Marriage #3: Death certificates of children Frances and Williamidentify
parents as John Berry and Rebecca Reid (California death certificate,
Department of Health, Sacramento, California).  Also see Marriagerecord of
William H Berry and Josephine (Fortin) Daly for parents. (Los AngelesCounty,
California marriage license records, 185:17 FHL #1033234).  Also noteTausig
children in Berry household in San Bernardino, California 1870 U.S.census
(FHL #545577); Rebecca's birth date given on headstone (see below) is
identical to birth date of Rebecca (Reid) Tausig in Payson, Utah LDSWard
Membership records (FHL #026401).
Date of marriage deduced as follows: Journal of Annie Eliza BerryDay states
that her father took another wife when I was a baby.Annie was bornin 1865.
Rebecca Reid and John Francis Berry were in the Endowment House on 24NOV 1866.
John stood proxy for Rebecca's 1st husband (John Catlin, deceased)so he
could be Sealed Rebecca, and John was Sealed to his wife ElizabethCherrington
(FHL #183398) It is believed that John and Rebecca were married fortime
only at this time.
Marriage #4: Utah County, Utah Marriage license records (FHL #488400).
Death: California death certificate, Dept of Health, Sacramento,California.
Bur: Death certificate (above); also personal visit to Old CountyCemetery,
Santa Ana, California Nov 1975, and examination of the burial recordsthen
held by Fairhaven Memorial Park adjacent to the Old County Cemetery.
Baptism: John was a member as early as 1852, West Bromwich, EnglandLDS branch
Membership records (FHL #087038), but original bapt date unrecorded.It is
believed he was baptized about 1850.  John was baptised again on 07OCT 1975
Provo, Utah Temple.  Latter date is on IGI.
Endowment: Endowment House living/endowment (FHL #183405-R); also onIGI 16
Oct 1975, Provo. Seal P: IGI
Sealed to Spouse #1: IGI
Sealed to Spouse #2: Endowment House sealings of couples (FHL#183398-R).
Occupation(s): Coal miner and caster in iron foundry (England),carpenter,
farmer (United States).
NOTE: John seems to have acquired the middle name of Francis onlyafter his
emigration to the United States in 1861.  Francis not on Christeningrecord,
1841 census, 1851 census, or LDS records in England.
23 May 1846
West Bromwich, Stafford, England
21 Jun 1846
All Saints, West Bromwich, Stafford, England
28 Jul 1887
Los Cerritos, Conejos, Colorado
29 Jul 1887
Manassa, Conejos, Colorado
                   Source includes, but is not limited to:
Ancestral File and the IGI, International Genealogical Index,both
resource systems developed and solely owned by The Church of JesusChrist of
Latter Day Saints.
Birth: British Birth certificate, General Register Office.  Born onQueen
Christening: All Saints Church, West Bromwich BTs (FHL #487350).
Marriage #1: Salt Lake City, UT 14th LDS ward membership records, page3 (FHL
Marriage #2: Journal of daughter, Annie Eliza Berry Day, mentionsmarriage
(no date); family records and chronology of family suggest marriageoccurred
in 1869.
Marriage #3: Journal of Annie Eliza Berry Day states that her motherand
Henry Chesnut went to Salt Lake and were married in JUL 1876.
Endowment House sealings of couples indicate that Elizabeth was proxyfor
Henry Chesnut's first wife Euphemia Knox, so that they could besealed.  It is
believed that Henry Chesnut and Elizabeth Cherrington were married atthat
time.  Elizabeth was already sealed to her first husband and thereforecould
not be sealed to Henry Chesnut.
Death: Obituary in DESERET NEWS, 05 Aug 1887, states died at LosCretes,
Colorado.  Los Cretes has not been found, and it is believed that theplace
of death is Los Cerritos, a small town 3 miles from the Mormonsettlement of
Manassa in the San Luis Valley.
Burial: Family records of unknown authority.
Baptism: West Bromwich, England LDS branch membership records (FHL#087038).
Endowmant: Endowment House living/endoowment (FHL #183405-R).
Sealed to Parents: Manti Temple Sealings children/parents, p195 (FHL
Sealed to Spouse #1: Endowment House sealings/couples (FHL #183398-R).
Sarah Elizabeth BERRY
14 Jul 1862
Salt Lake City, Salt Lake, Utah
15 Jul 1862
Salt Lake City, Salt Lake, Utah
                   Source includes, but is not limited to:
Ancestral File and the IGI, International Genealogical Index,both
resource systems developed and solely owned by The Church of JesusChrist of
Latter Day Saints.
Birth: Birth data from Salt Lake City, Utah death records (FHL#026553).
Death: same
Sealed to Parents: IGI
Mary Alice BERRY
9 Jul 1863
Payson, Utah, Utah
                   Source includes, but is not limited to:
Ancestral File and the IGI, International Genealogical Index,both
resource systems developed and solely owned by The Church of JesusChrist of
Latter Day Saints.
Birth: Blessing rec, Payson, Utah LDS ward membership records (FHL#026401).
Death: Child absent from family in 1870 U.S. census South Cottonwood,Salt
Lake, Utah (FHL #553110).
Baptism: IGI
Endowment: IGI
Sealed to Parents: IGI
21 Aug 1865
Salt Lake City, Salt Lake, Utah
3 Feb 1928
Montwell, Duchesne, Utah
19 Dec 1879
St. George, Washington, Utah 
                   Sources include, but are not limited to:
Birth: Blessing record, Payson, Utah LDS membership records (FHL#026401).
Marriage #1: Journal of Annie Eliza Berry Day ; also Saint GeorgeTemple
Sealings of Couples (FHL #170579).
Marriage #2: Sanpete County, Utah marriage license records (FHL#481124).
Death: Utah death certificate, Department of Health, Salt Lake Citystates,
died in Cedarview Pct., Montwell, Utah LDS Ward Form E Report, 1928
identifies death place as Montwell (FHL #026018).
Burial: From death certificate (see above).
Baptism: Holden, Utah LDS ward membership records (FHL #026018).
Endowment: Saint George Temple Endowment for the living (FHL #170577).
Sealed to Parents: IGI
Sealed to Spouse #1: Saint George Temple Sealings of Couples (FHL#170579).
Sealing cancelled by order of First Presidency, 10 Apr 1887 (LDSSpecial
Sealed to Spouse #2: Manti Temple Sealings of Couples (FHL #170490-R).
NOTE: Annie Eliza Berry was married to her stepfather in polygamy.  Atthe
same time her husband was married to his third wife, Grace Knox, whowas a
sister of his first wife.
4 Sep 1867
Payson, Utah, Utah
20 May 1940
Cedar City, Iron, Utah
8 Jan 1886
Logan, Cache, Utah 
                   Source includes, but is not limited to:
Ancestral File and the IGI, International Genealogical Index,both
resource systems developed and solely owned by The Church of JesusChrist of
Latter Day Saints.
Birth: Escalante, Utah LDS ward membership records (FHL #025924); alsoLogan
Temple living/endowment (FHL #178025-R).  Birth not found in Payson,Utah LDS
Ward membership records.
Marriage: Polygamous marriages such as this one were usually channeledthrough
the Logan Temple after the passage of the Edmunds-Tucker Act, whichimposed
strict punishments for plural marriage.  Records were kept in a secretbook,
which was subsequently lost or hidden.  Logan Temple endowment recordsshow
that Clara Berry and Isaac Riddle were in the Logan temple on 08 Jan1886 (FHL
#178025-R). The Biographical Sketch of Isaac J. Riddle, written byhimself
in 1941, confirms the marriage. Death: Utah death certificate,Department of
Health, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake, Utah.
Baptism: Holden, Utah LDS Ward membership records (FHL #026018).
Endowment: Logan Temple living/Endowment (FHL #178025-R).
Sealed to Spouse: Logan Temple register of Sealings of Couples lost(see
marriage above).
FamilyCentral Network
John Francis Berry - Elizabeth Cherrington

John Francis Berry was born at Lying, West Bromwich, Stafford, England 4 Sep 1832. His parents were Francis Berry and Mary Meek.

He married Elizabeth Cherrington 26 Mar 1862 at Salt Lake City, Salt Lake, Utah . Elizabeth Cherrington was born at West Bromwich, Stafford, England 23 May 1846 daughter of John Cherrington and Sarah Belsher .

They were the parents of 4 children:
Sarah Elizabeth Berry born 14 Jul 1862.
Mary Alice Berry born 9 Jul 1863.
Anna Eliza Berry born 21 Aug 1865.
Clara Maria Berry born 4 Sep 1867.

John Francis Berry died 27 Oct 1915 at San Bernardino, San Bernardino, California .

Elizabeth Cherrington died 28 Jul 1887 at Los Cerritos, Conejos, Colorado .