John Francis BERRY

4 Sep 1832
Lying, West Bromwich, Stafford, England
23 Sep 1832
West Bromwich, Stafford, England
27 Oct 1915
San Bernardino, San Bernardino, California
29 Oct 1915
Santa Ana, Orange, California
24 Nov 1866
Salt Lake City, Salt Lake, Ut
                   Source includes, but is not limited to:
Ancestral File and the IGI, International Genealogical Index,both
resource systems developed and solely owned by The Church of JesusChrist of
Latter Day Saints.
Birth: West Bromwich, Staffordshire LDS Branch Membership records (FHL
also see; Endowment House living/endowment, 24 Nov 1866 (FHL#183405-R). Born
in Lyng, a part of West Bromwich, Staffordshire, England.
Christening: All Saints, West Bromwich BTs (FHL #487349).
Marriage #1: British marriage certificate, General Register Office,London.
Marriage #2: Salt Lake City, Utah 14th LDS Ward Membership records,page 3
(FHL #026695).
Marriage #3: Death certificates of children Frances and Williamidentify
parents as John Berry and Rebecca Reid (California death certificate,
Department of Health, Sacramento, California).  Also see Marriagerecord of
William H Berry and Josephine (Fortin) Daly for parents. (Los AngelesCounty,
California marriage license records, 185:17 FHL #1033234).  Also noteTausig
children in Berry household in San Bernardino, California 1870 U.S.census
(FHL #545577); Rebecca's birth date given on headstone (see below) is
identical to birth date of Rebecca (Reid) Tausig in Payson, Utah LDSWard
Membership records (FHL #026401).
Date of marriage deduced as follows: Journal of Annie Eliza BerryDay states
that her father took another wife when I was a baby.Annie was bornin 1865.
Rebecca Reid and John Francis Berry were in the Endowment House on 24NOV 1866.
John stood proxy for Rebecca's 1st husband (John Catlin, deceased)so he
could be Sealed Rebecca, and John was Sealed to his wife ElizabethCherrington
(FHL #183398) It is believed that John and Rebecca were married fortime
only at this time.
Marriage #4: Utah County, Utah Marriage license records (FHL #488400).
Death: California death certificate, Dept of Health, Sacramento,California.
Bur: Death certificate (above); also personal visit to Old CountyCemetery,
Santa Ana, California Nov 1975, and examination of the burial recordsthen
held by Fairhaven Memorial Park adjacent to the Old County Cemetery.
Baptism: John was a member as early as 1852, West Bromwich, EnglandLDS branch
Membership records (FHL #087038), but original bapt date unrecorded.It is
believed he was baptized about 1850.  John was baptised again on 07OCT 1975
Provo, Utah Temple.  Latter date is on IGI.
Endowment: Endowment House living/endowment (FHL #183405-R); also onIGI 16
Oct 1975, Provo. Seal P: IGI
Sealed to Spouse #1: IGI
Sealed to Spouse #2: Endowment House sealings of couples (FHL#183398-R).
Occupation(s): Coal miner and caster in iron foundry (England),carpenter,
farmer (United States).
NOTE: John seems to have acquired the middle name of Francis onlyafter his
emigration to the United States in 1861.  Francis not on Christeningrecord,
1841 census, 1851 census, or LDS records in England.
Rebecca REID
3 May 1832
Belfast, Down, Ireland
15 Jun 1832
Belfast Antrim, Ireland, Saint Anne, Shankill
23 Dec 1886
Newport, Orange, California
Abt Dec 1886
Santa Ana, Orange, California, Old County Cem
                   Sources include, but are not limited to:
Birth: Payson, Utah LDS ward membership records (FHL #026401); alsoEndowment
House records of living/endowments, 24 NOV 1866 (FHL #183405-R).  Some
records, including headstone, indicate she was born in Liverpool,England.
Christening record suggests Belfast was birth place (see below).
Christening: IGI entry indicates she was christened at Saint Anne'sShankill,
Belfast.  This entry was submitted by the Sloan Reid FamilyOrganization.
Source of information listed on entry form was Saint Anne's parishregister by
corr Patrick Smyth-Wood.
Marriage #1: Date not found, but sealing in Endowment House sealingsof
couples, 24 NOV 1866 (FHL #183398-R). Catlin was then deceased; 2ndhusband
stood proxy.
Marriage #2: Assumed she married Tausig For Time in Endowment Housewhen he
stood proxy for John Catlin (Kettling), 19 APR 1857 (FHL #183395-R).Payson,
Utah LDS ward membership records indicate this couple was married butdo not
give date (FHL #026401).
Marriage #3: Death certificates of children Frances and Williamidentify
parents as John Berry and Rebecca Reid (California death certificate,
Department of Health, Sacramento, California).  Also see marriagerecord of
William H Berry and Josephine (Fortin) Daly for parents (Los AngelesCounty,
California marriage license records, 185:17 FHL #1033234).  Also noteTausig
children in Berry household in San Bernardino, California 1870 U.S.census
(FHL #  545577); Rebecca's birth date given on headstone (see below)is
identical to birth date of Rebecca (Reid) Tausig in Payson, Utah LDSward
membership records (FHL #026401).
Date of marriage deduced as follows: Journal of Annie Eliza BerryDay states
that her father took another wife when I was a baby.  Annie was bornin 1865.
Rebecca Reid and John Francis Berry were in the Endowment House on 24NOV 1866.
John stood proxy for Rebecca's first husband (John Catlin, deceased)so he
could be sealed to Rebecca, and John was sealed to his wife Elizabeth
Cherrington at the same time (FHL #183398-R).  It is believed thatJohn and
Rebecca were married for time only at this time.
Death: Personal visit to Old County Cemetery (now part of FairhavenMemorial
Park), Santa Ana, California, November 1975 for death date.  The Great
Register of Los Angeles County (voting register) indicates the Berryswere
living in Newport, California in 1886 (FHL #976928).
Burial: Personal visit to Old County Cemetery, Santa Ana (now part of
Fairhaven Memorial Park), Nov 1975 (photo of gravestone).
Baptism: Date given by Rebecca on Endowment record, Endowment House
living/endowment, 24 NOV 1866 (FHL #183405-R).
Endowment: Endowment House living/endowment (FHL #183405-R).
Sealed to Parents: IGI
Sealed to Spouse #1: Endowment House sealings of couples (FHL#183395-R). This
couple was sealed again on 24 NOV 1866, Endowment House sealings ofcouples
(FHL #183395-R).
Frances Louise BERRY
3 Dec 1869
San Bernardino, San Bernardino, California
5 Aug 1945
Porterville, Tulare, California
                   Source includes, but is not limited to:
Ancestral File and the IGI, International Genealogical Index,both
resource systems developed and solely owned by The Church of JesusChrist of
Latter Day Saints.
Birth: Date from death certificate, California Department of Health,
Sacramento.  Birth place given as Los Angeles.  This is unlikely, asshe was
with family in 1870 U.S.Census of San Bernardino, aged 06 months (FHL
#545577); also San Bernardino County deeds show that the family ownedproperty
in San Bernardino 1867-76. Frances was known as Fannie Berry.
Marriage: Los Angeles County, California, marriage records (FHL#1033145).
Death: California death certificate, Department of Health, Sacramento,
California. Burial: same
William Henry BERRY
19 Jan 1872
San Bernardino, San Barnardino, California
13 Oct 1921
Los Angeles, Los Angeles, California
                   Source includes, but is not limited to:
Ancestral File and the IGI, International Genealogical Index,both
resource systems developed and solely owned by The Church of JesusChrist of
Latter Day Saints.
Birth: California Death Certificate, Department of Health, Sacramento,
California, gives birth date and place of birth as California.William's
marriage certificate to 3rd wife (see below) gives place of birth.1900 U.S.
census of Los Angeles City (ED 37, sheet 10) gives birth year of 1871(FHL
#1023344).  However, the interval between the births of children #1and #2
suggest the latter year is correct.  Furthermore, he stated his age as40 on
marriage certificate to wife #3 (see below).
Marriage #1: San Bernardino County, Califfornia Marriage Licenserecords, page
48 (FHL #1240192)
Marriage #2: San Bernardino County, California Marriage Licenserecords,
County Recorder, San Bernardino.
Mar #3: Los Angeles County, California Marriage License records,185:17 (FHL
Death: California Death Certificate, Department of Health, Sacramento.
Burial: same
Divorce #1: Family records.  1900 U.S. census of San Bernardino,California
(ED 224 sheet 6) shows Edna Berry living with her parents (FHL#1240097).
Divorce #2: Mentioned on Marriage Certificate #3 (see above).
George Washington BERRY
22 Feb 1876
San Bernardino, San Bernardino, California
24 Mar 1958
Carmillo, Ventura, California
                   Source includes, but is not limited to:
Ancestral File and the IGI, International Genealogical Index,both
resource systems developed and solely owned by The Church of JesusChrist of
Latter Day Saints.
Birth: Birth notice published in SAN BERNARDINO WEEKLEY TIMES, 04 MAR1876,
abstracted in Valley Quarterly, San Bernardino Valley GenealogicalSociety
(1985) 22:19 (FHL #979.495/B2v).  Also see funeral program receivedfrom
Dorothy Carlson, Bakersfield, California.  George W was born on thebirth date
of President George Washington, hence his name.
Marriage: San Bernardino County, California marriage license records,County
Recorder, San Bernardino. Death: California death certificate,Department of
Health, Sacramento, California.
Burial: same
FamilyCentral Network
John Francis Berry - Rebecca Reid

John Francis Berry was born at Lying, West Bromwich, Stafford, England 4 Sep 1832. His parents were Francis Berry and Mary Meek.

He married Rebecca Reid 24 Nov 1866 at Salt Lake City, Salt Lake, Ut . Rebecca Reid was born at Belfast, Down, Ireland 3 May 1832 .

They were the parents of 3 children:
Frances Louise Berry born 3 Dec 1869.
William Henry Berry born 19 Jan 1872.
George Washington Berry born 22 Feb 1876.

John Francis Berry died 27 Oct 1915 at San Bernardino, San Bernardino, California .

Rebecca Reid died 23 Dec 1886 at Newport, Orange, California .