Pepin III "the Short" King of FRANKS

Austrasia, France
24 Sep 768
St Denis, Paris, Seine, France
Abt 740
Encyclopedia Britannica, Treatise on, Pepin III
Ancestral Roots of Certain American Colonists, 7th Edition, by FrederickLewis Weis, additions by Walter Lee Shippard Jr.,, 50-12
GEDCOM File : ~AT71D2.ged
GEDCOM File : ~ATA313.ged
                   Pepin III, King des Francs (Andre Roux: Scrolls, 191.)

(Rosamond, Frankish kingdom under Carolingians.)

(Stuart, Royalty for Commoners, Page 129, Line 171-42.)

(Andre Castelot, Histoire de La France, Tome 1, Pages 269 - 283, 369).Also Known As: Pepin "Le Bref".

Born: in 714 in Austrasia, son of Charles Martel and Rotrude=Chrotrud,Duchesse d'Austrasie ). Married circa 740: Berthe=Bertrada de Laon,daughter of Charibert, Count de Laon and Bertrade N? ;

Berthe was for may years, at least since 740, the concubine of Pepin III.In 749 she convinced him to marry her. Note - between 742 and 753: PepinIII was baptized by the then future Saint Willibrod, famous apostle ofFrisia and was brought up at the Monastery of Saint-Denis. He wouldprotect the bishops.

Upon the death of his father, Charles Martel in Quierzy-sur-Oise on 22October 741, Pepin III received Neustria, Burgundy and the Provence. Thenext year, Pepin "Le Bref", whose surname was derived in the 9th. centurybecause of his size, joined his older brother, Carloman in militaryoperations in Aquitaine. They ravaged the region of Bourges and set fireto the Castle of Loches. By Autumn, they had pushed beyond the Rhine,defeated Duke Odilon of Bavaria and forcing the Allemanians to submit. Inthe year 743, they re-establish a Merovingian King by taking ChildericIII from an abbey, purportedly one of the sons of Childeric II. In 744,Hunaud, son of Eudes, Duke of Aquitaine, undertakes his campaign inAllemania, crosses the Loire and destroys Chartres, burning itscathedral. The next year, he was forced by Carloman and Pepin III toretire at the Monastery of the Ile de Re. Hunaud's son Waifre succeedshim. Pepin decides to free Grifon, his half-brother, and to thank him,Grifon joins a rebellion against Pepin, refusing Pepin's offer of a dozenNeustrian countships. In 749, Pepin III forces the Allemanians inrebellion to submit as well as the Bavarians. Grifon escapes but diesthat year on his way to seek the help Waifre, Duke of Aquitaine, nearSaint-Jean-de-Maurienne. The Merovingian dynasty comes to an end inNovember of 751 when Pepin III receives the Holy Oil from Boniface,Bishop of Soissons, thus becoming King. His wife becomes Queen of theFrancs the same day. Childeric III and his son Thierry both are shavenand they are sent to the Monastery of Saint-Berton, near Arras.

Pepin III, King des Francs (Andre Roux: Scrolls, 191.)

(Rosamond, Frankish kingdom under Carolingians.)

(Stuart, Royalty for Commoners, Page 129, Line 171-42.)

(Andre Castelot, Histoire de La France, Tome 1, Pages 269 - 283, 369).Also Known As: Pepin "Le Bref".

Born: in 714 in Austrasia, son of Charles Martel and Rotrude=Chrotrud,Duchesse d'Austrasie ). Married circa 740: Berthe=Bertrada de Laon,daughter of Charibert, Count de Laon and Bertrade N? ;

Berthe was for may years, at least since 740, the concubine of Pepin III.In 749 she convinced him to marry her. Note - between 742 and 753: PepinIII was baptized by the then future Saint Willibrod, famous apostle ofFrisia and was brought up at the Monastery of Saint-Denis. He wouldprotect the bishops.

Upon the death of his father, Charles Martel in Quierzy-sur-Oise on 22October 741, Pepin III received Neustria, Burgundy and the Provence. Thenext year, Pepin "Le Bref", whose surname was derived in the 9th. centurybecause of his size, joined his older brother, Carloman in militaryoperations in Aquitaine. They ravaged the region of Bourges and set fireto the Castle of Loches. By Autumn, they had pushed beyond the Rhine,defeated Duke Odilon of Bavaria and forcing the Allemanians to submit. Inthe year 743, they re-establish a Merovingian King by taking ChildericIII from an abbey, purportedly one of the sons of Childeric II. In 744,Hunaud, son of Eudes, Duke of Aquitaine, undertakes his campaign inAllemania, crosses the Loire and destroys Chartres, burning itscathedral. The next year, he was forced by Carloman and Pepin III toretire at the Monastery of the Ile de Re. Hunaud's son Waifre succeedshim. Pepin decides to free Grifon, his half-brother, and to thank him,Grifon joins a rebellion against Pepin, refusing Pepin's offer of a dozenNeustrian countships. In 749, Pepin III forces the Allemanians inrebellion to submit as well as the Bavarians. Grifon escapes but diesthat year on his way to seek the help Waifre, Duke of Aquitaine, nearSaint-Jean-de-Maurienne. The Merovingian dynasty comes to an end inNovember of 751 when Pepin III receives the Holy Oil from Boniface,Bishop of Soissons, thus becoming King. His wife becomes Queen of theFrancs the same day. Childeric III and his son Thierry both are shavenand they are sent to the Monastery of Saint-Berton, near Arras.
Berthe of LAON
Laon, Aisne, France
12 Jul 783
Choisy, Haute-Savoie, France
St Denis, Paris, Seine, France
Ancestral Roots of Certain American Colonists, 7th Edition, by FrederickLewis Weis, additions by Walter Lee Shippard Jr.,, 50-12
GEDCOM File : ~AT71D2.ged
2 Apr 742
Ingelheim, Rheinhessan, Hesse-Darmstadt
28 Jan 813/14
Aix-la-Chapelle, Aachen, Rhineland, Prussia
Abt 771
Aachen, Rhineland, Prussia 
                   Charlemagne, or Charles the Great, CAROLINGIAN king of the FRANKS, cameto rule over most of Europe and assumed (800) the title of Roman emperor.He is sometimes regarded as the founder of the HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE. In 768he and his brother Carloman inherited the Frankish kingdom (most ofpresent-day France and a part of western Germany) from their father PEPINTHE SHORT. The entire kingdom passed to Charlemagne when Carloman died in771. He inherited great wealth and a strong military organization fromhis father and brother. He used these assets to double the territoryunder Carolingian control. In 772 he opened his offensive against theSAXONS, and for more than three decades he pursued a ruthless policyaimed at subjugating them and converting them to Christianity. Almostevery year Charlemagne attacked one or another region of Saxon territory.--4,500 Saxons were executed on a single day in 782--and deportationswere used to discourage the stubborn. The Saxons proved to be a far moredifficult enemy than any of the other peoples subjugated by Charlemagne.For example, the LOMBARDS were conquered in a single extended campaign773-74), after which Charlemagne assumed the title "king of theLombards." In 788 he absorbed the duchy of Bavaria, and soon thereafterhe launched an offensive against the AVAR empire. The Avars succumbedwithin a decade, yielding Charlemagne a vast hoard of gold and silver.After one disastrous campaign (778) against the Muslims in Spain,Charlemagne left the southwestern front to his son Louis, (later EmperorLOUIS I) who, with the help of local Christian rulers, conqueredBarcelona in 801 and controlled much of Catalonia by 814. On ChristmasDay, 800, Charlemagne accepted the title of emperor and was crowned byPope LEO III. For several years after he regarded the imperial title ofbeing of little value. Moreover, he intended to divide his lands andtitles among his sons, as was the Frankish custom. At his death on Jan.28, 814, however, only one son, Louis, survived; Louis therefore assumedcontrol of the entire Frankish empire.
FamilyCentral Network
Pepin III "the Short" King of Franks - Berthe of Laon

Pepin III "the Short" King of Franks was born at Austrasia, France 714. His parents were Charles , Mayor of the Palace of Austrasia Martel and Rotrou of Treves.

He married Berthe of Laon Abt 740 . Berthe of Laon was born at Laon, Aisne, France 720 .

They were the parents of 2 children:
Charlemagne I Holy Roman Emperor born 2 Apr 742.

Pepin III "the Short" King of Franks died 24 Sep 768 at St Denis, Paris, Seine, France .

Berthe of Laon died 12 Jul 783 at Choisy, Haute-Savoie, France .