Louis II "the Stammerrer" King of FRANCE

1 Nov 846
10 Apr 879
Compiegne, Oise, France
Encyclopedia Britannica, Treatise on, Louis II
GEDCOM File : ~AT71D2.ged
                   Louis II, King de France (the Stammerer)

(Andre Roux: Scrolls, 191.)
(Stuart, Royalty for Commoners, Page 130, Line 171-38.)
(Paul, Nouveau Larousse Universel.)
(Rosamond, Frankish kingdom under Carolingians, Page 258.)
(Andre Castelot, Histoire de La France, Tome 1, Page 387).

AKA: Louis II, King d'Aquitaine. Also Known As: Louis "Le Begue".

Born: in Nov 846 in Compiegne, Oise, Ile-de-France, France, son ofCharles II, King de France and Ermentrude d'Orleans . Married in 862:Ansgarde de Bourgogne , daughter of Hardouin, Count de Bourgogne; She wasgiven in marriage to Louis by her brother, Odon, often confused withOdon, Count of Troyes, an older man and one of Louis' detractors(Rosamond, Frankish kingdom under Carolingians, Page 185). Note - between867 and 879: Louis II was the King of Aquitaine from 867 to 879 andbecame King of France in 877, crowned at Compiegne by Hincmar, Archbishopof Rheims on 8 October. If the children and grandchildren of Charlemagnehad an easy time ascending to the throne by virtue of their parentage,the same is not true for Louis. Louis had to be elected by the Greats -the nobles whose power had been growing steadily - and they conceded onlyafter having received countships and additional powers. Moreover, Louishad to accept the tutelage of his maternal uncle, Hughes, Marquis ofNeustria who also received the countship of Tours. He died 16 monthslater while making preparations to reprimand Bernard, Duke of Septimanie.Upon his death, nobles, looking to enhance their own power saw thekingdom partitioned between Louis III and Carloman, who were both crownedand anointed at Ferrieres in September 879 by Ansegis, Archbishop ofSens.  Louis III's portion comprised Francia and Neustria, and Carlomanruled Burgundy, Aquitaine and Gothia.

Married between 868 and 869: Adelaide=Adelheid de Paris, daughter ofAdalhard, Count de Paris.

Died: on 11 Apr 879 in France at age 32 Louis II died sooner thanexpected after having divided his kingdom between his two sons, Louis IIIand Carloman. To the older son went Francia and Neustria; and to theyounger went Bourgogne, Aquitaine and the Marche of Spain. This creationof two kingdoms is highly disputed because the two sons are not viewed bysome as legitimate because Charles le Chauve had not officiallyrecognized Louis marriage to Ansgarde.  Louis was not favored, and on 15October 879, Provence and Bourgogne recognize Richilde's (Charles leChauve's widow) brother, Bozon. Moreover, Louis, son of Louis leGermanique, also lays claim to the throne of France. Thus, to makematters rather complicated there exists three kings of France at thistime.
Hardouin Count of NEUSTRIA
The Plantagenet Ancestry, by William Henry Turton, 1968, 171
GEDCOM File : ~AT71D2.ged
17 Sep 879
7 Oct 929
Peronne, Somme, France
                   King of France 893-922, known as "The Simple"

Gave his daughter, Gisella, to Rollo, the Viking, in order to stop theraids on the coast. Gave the coast to Rollo to protect. Rollo thus becamethe first Duke of Normandy.

Charles III, King de France
(Andre Roux: Scrolls,191.)
(Rosamond, Frankish kingdom under Carolingians, Page 308.)
(Stuart, Royalty for Commoners, Page 130, Line 171-37.)
(Andre Castelot, Histoire de La France, Tome 1, Page 387).

Also Known As: Charles "Le Simple". Born: on 17 Sep 879 in Clermont,Oise, France, son of Louis II, King de France and Adelaide=Adelheid deParis . (Or was his mother Judith. If he was born posthumously it wouldhave been by the second wife)

Note - between 893 and 929: Charles III was the posthumous son of Louis"Le Begue", and was crowned King in 893 by Fouques, Archbishop of Reims,with the full support of Odon's brother Robert, Richard of Burgundy,William of the Auvergne and Herbert of Vermandois. Baldwin (Baudouin) ofFlanders made his submission later. He was a rival of the effective King,the Count Eudes who, upon Odon's death in 898, recognized Charles'rights. With the Treaty of Saint-Clair-sur-Epte (911), Charles gaveNormandy to the Viking Chief Rollo making him first Duke of Normandy, andpacifying the Seine Vikings. That year, 911, Charles also became King ofLotharingia, which may have been related in part to the fact that hisfirst wife, Frederuna who bore him 6 daughters, was Lotharingian. Herevived the title Rex Francorum. In 919, when Charles fought the Magyars,none of the nobles except for Heriveus, the Archbishop of Reims sent himany troops for assistance. In 920, Robert led a revolt against Charles.

Some Lotharingian nobles, led by Gilbert (Gislebert) son of RagnarLongneck, declared their independence from Charles' authority. Gilbertinvoked the aid of the new ruler of the East Franks, a Saxon known asHenry "the Fowler" ("l'Oiseleur"). Charles, after quelling the resistanceof the Lotharingian Count Ricoin made a treaty with Henry at Bonn in 921.They met on equal terms as Rex Francorum Occidentalium (Charles) and RexFrancorum Orientalium (Henry). Charles was deposed in 922 by Herbert,Count of Vermandois upon the death of his main supporter, Richard ofBurgundy. Charles and his favorite Hagano fled to hide in Lotharingia.During his absence, Robert was elected King and crowned by Walter,Archbishop of Sens under the nose of Heriveus who was on his deathbed (hedied 3 days later).  Charles met Robert in battle at Soissons on 15 June923.  Robert was killed, but the forces led by his son Hugh and byHerbert of Vermandois defeated the King's army and Charles retreated. On13 July 923, a new King Ralph, the eldest son of Richard The Justiciar ofBurgundy was elected King and anointed in the Church of St. Medard atSoissons by Walter, Archbishop of Sens.

Married between 905 and 929: N. concubines; Charles Le Simple had severalconcubines throughout his adulthood.
Married in Apr 907: Frederune de Lotharingie, daughter of Dietrich, Countde Lotharingie ; Charles III Le Simple had 6 daughters with Frederune,his first wife.
Married in 917: Eadgifu=Ogive=Hadwige, Princess of England, daughter ofEdward I, King of England and Eadgifu=Edgiva of Kent.

Died: on 7 Oct 929 in Peronne, Somme, France, at age 50 Charles wasmurdered while in captivity at the Tower of Peronne on 7-Oct-929. CharlesIII is buried at Saint Fursy.
FamilyCentral Network
Louis II "the Stammerrer" King of France - Blocked

Louis II "the Stammerrer" King of France was born at France 1 Nov 846. His parents were Charles II "the Bald" Holy Roman Emperor and Ermentrude de Orleans.

He married Blocked .

They were the parents of 1 child:
Charles III "the Simple" King of France born 17 Sep 879.

Louis II "the Stammerrer" King of France died 10 Apr 879 at Compiegne, Oise, France .