William de , 1st Earl of Northampton, Kg BOHUN

Abt 1312
Caldecot, Northamptonshire, England
16 Sep 1360
Caldecot, Northamptonshire, England
Fought at Crecy
Castle Badlesmere, Kent, England
The Magna Charta Sureties 1215, Frederick Lewis Weis, additions by WalterLee Sheppard Jr, 5th Edition, 1999, 18-6
Burke's Peerage & Baronetage, 106th Edition, Charles MosleyEditor-in-Chief, 1999, 2108
GEDCOM File : ~AT8123.ged
                   In 1357 Edward III conferred the Earldom of Northampton on his cousin andleading adviser William de Bohun, youngest son by a daughter of Edward Iof Humphrey de Bohun, Earl of Hertford and Essex.  The new Earl wasoccupied in fighting the Scots in the north of England, of which hebecame Constable in 1338, and the French in the opening stages of theHundred Years War.  William's son Humphrey succeeded him but died withoutmale issue in Jan 1372/3, when the Earldom expired.  [Burke's Peerage,Northampton, Earldom & Marquessate, p. 2108]


William, a personage of great eminence in the turbulent times in which helived and one of the gallant heros of Cressy. In the parliament held atLondon in the 11th Edward III [1338], upon the advancement of the BlackPrince to the dukedom of Cornwall, he was created Earl of Northampton (17March, 1337), and from that period his lordship appears the constantcompanion in arms of the martial Edward, and his illustrious son. AtCressy he was in the second battalia of the English army, and he wasfrequently engaged in the subsequent wars of France and Scotland. He wasentrusted at different periods with the most important offices, such asambassador to treat of peace with hostile powers, commissioner to levytroops, &c., and he was finally honoured with the Garter. His lordship m.Elizabeth, dau. of Bartholomew de Badlesmere, one of the co-heirs of herbrother Giles, and widow of Edmund de Mortimer, by whom he had issue,Humphrey, 2nd Earl of Northampton, of whom hereafter, as successor to hisuncle in the earldom of Hereford and Essex and constableship of England;and Elizabeth, m. to Richard FitzAlan, 10th Earl of Arundel. He d. in1360. [Sir Bernard Burke, Dormant and Extinct Peerages, Burke's Peerage,London, 1883, p. 57-58, Bohun, Earls of Hereford, Earls of Essex, Earlsof Northampton, and High Constables of England]
Elizabeth de BADLESMERE
Chilham Castle, Badlesmere, Kent, England
8 Jun 1356
Richmond Palace, Surrey, England
Black Friars, London, England
The Magna Charta Sureties 1215, Frederick Lewis Weis, additions by WalterLee Sheppard Jr, 5th Edition, 1999, 18-6, 36-7
GEDCOM File : ~AT8123.ged
Humphrey IX de , Kg, Earl of Hereford BOHUN
25 Mar 1342
Hereford, Herefordshire, England
16 Jan 1372/73
Walden Abbey, Essex, England (dspm)
                   Humphrey de Bohun, nephew of Humphrey de Bohun, 7th Earl of Hereford andEarl of Essex, then being a minor at the decease of his uncle, and underthe guardianship of Richard, Earl of Arundel. His lordship did not,however, long enjoy this great accumulation of wealth and honour, for hed. in 1372 in the thirty-second year of his age, leaving by his wife,Joane, dau. of his late guardian, the Earl of Arundel, two daus., hisco-heirs, viz, Alianore, m. to Thomas of Woodstock, Duke of Gloucester,6th son of King Edward III; and Mary, m. to Henry, Earl of Derby (son ofJohn of Gaunt, Duke of Lancaster), who afterwards ascended the throne asHenry IV.

Upon the decease of this nobleman, the Earldom of Hereford expired, buthis son-in-law, the Earl of Derby, was subsequently created (in 1397)Duke of Hereford, prior, of course, to his becoming King of England,while the lordships of Essex and Northampton and the constableship fellto his other son-in-law, the Duke of Gloucester, and the Earldoms ofEssex and Northampton became extinct. [Sir Bernard Burke, Dormant andExtinct Peerages, Burke's Peerage, London, 1883, p. 57, Bohun, Earls ofHereford, Earls of Essex, Earls of Northampton, and High Constables ofEngland]
Abt 1350
Herefordshire, England
3 Apr 1385
Aft 28 Sep 1359
Derbyshire, England 
                   Elizabeth, daughter of William Bohun, 1st Earl of Northampton of theMarch 1336/7 creation.  [Burke's Peerage]
FamilyCentral Network
William de , 1st Earl of Northampton, Kg Bohun - Elizabeth de Badlesmere

William de , 1st Earl of Northampton, Kg Bohun was born at Caldecot, Northamptonshire, England Abt 1312. His parents were Humphrey VIII de , Earl Hereford & Essex Bohun and Elizabeth Plantagenet Princess of England.

He married Elizabeth de Badlesmere 1338 at Castle Badlesmere, Kent, England . Elizabeth de Badlesmere was born at Chilham Castle, Badlesmere, Kent, England 1313 daughter of Bartholomew IV 1st Baron de , Sir Badlesmere and Margaret de Clare .

They were the parents of 2 children:
Humphrey IX de , Kg, Earl of Hereford Bohun born 25 Mar 1342.
Elizabeth de Bohun born Abt 1350.

William de , 1st Earl of Northampton, Kg Bohun died 16 Sep 1360 at Caldecot, Northamptonshire, England .

Elizabeth de Badlesmere died 8 Jun 1356 at Richmond Palace, Surrey, England .