Richard II "Copped Hat" , Earl Arundel FITZALAN

Abt 1313
Arundel Castle, Sussex, England
24 Jan 1375/76
Arundel, Sussex, England
Lewes, Sussex, England
5 Feb 1344/45
Ditton, England
The Magna Charta Sureties 1215, Frederick Lewis Weis, additions by WalterLee Sheppard Jr, 5th Edition, 1999, 18-7, 19-7, 121-6, 134-7
Ancestral Roots of Certain American Colonists, 7th Edition, by FrederickLewis Weis, additions by Walter Lee Shippard Jr.,, 97-33
Burke's Peerage & Baronetage, 106th Edition, Charles MosleyEditor-in-Chief, 1999, 2098
GEDCOM File : ~AT8123.ged
                   Richard Fitz Alan, 10th/3rd Earl of Arundel, as which restored 1331(confirmation 1351 and 1354), getting Arundel Castle back also Dec1330-31 from the widow of Edmund Earl of Kent; after the death of hismaternal uncle the 8th Earl of Surrey's widow 31 Aug 1361, Richardassumed the additional title of 9th Earl of Surrey; known as "CoppedHat"; born c1313; Justiciar of North Wales for life 1334, Governor ofCarnarvon Castle 1339, Sheriff of Salop for life 1345; Admiral of theWest 1340-41 and 1345-47; commanded 2nd division at Crecy 1346 andassisted at taking of Calais 1347; married 1st 9 Feb 1320/1 (annulled 4Dec 1344) Isabel, daughter of 1st Lord (Baron) le Despenser of the 29July 1314 creation, and had issue (bastardised by the papal annulment of1344); married 2nd 5 Feb 1344/5 his mistress Eleanor, daughter of the 3rdEarl of Lancaster (ggs of Henry III) of the 1267 investiture (by his wifeMaud de Chaworth) and widow of the 2nd Lord (Baron) Beaumont, and died 24Jan 1375/6.  [Burke's Peerage]


Richard Fitz-Alan, b. 1306, who being restored by parliament, 4th EdwardIII [1331], had the castle of Arundel (which had been given to Edmund,Earl of Kent, the king's uncle) rendered to him, and thus became 9thearl. In the 7th Edward III [1334], this nobleman was constitutedgovernor of Chirke Castle, co. Denbigh, and the ensuing year had a grantof the inheritance of that castle, with all the territories thereuntobelonging, being part of the possessions of Roger Mortimer, the attaintedEarl of March; he was soon afterwards made governor of Porchester Castle,and the same year had a command in the wars of Scotland, where hecontinued engaged for some years. After this he was constituted admiralof the western seas, and governor of Caernarvon Castle. In the 14thEdward III [1341], his lordship embarked in the French wars, andparticipated in the glories of the subsequent campaigns. He was at thesiege of Vannes, the relief of Thouars, and the immortal battle ofCressy. Besides his great military services, the earl was frequentlyemployed in diplomatic missions of the first importance, and was esteemedone of the most eminent generals and statesmen of the era in which helived. His lordship, who, with his other honours, had the Garter,contracted in minority and under constraint, marriage with Isabel, dau.of Hugh le Despencer, and had issue by her, an only dau., Philippa, m. toSir Richard Sergeaux, Knt., of Cornwall. In 1345, he was divorced fromthis lady, and m. Lady Eleanor Plantagenet, dau. of Henry, Earl ofLancaster, and widow of John, Baron Beaumont, by whom he had issue,Richard, his successor; John, marshal of England in 1377, summoned toparliament 1st to 3rd Richard II. he d. 1379, having m. Eleanor,grand-dau. and co-heir of John, Lord Maltravers, in whose right he borethat title; Thomas, called Arundel, successively bishop of Ely,archbishop of York, and archbishop of Canterbury, Lord Chancellor ofEngland; Joane, m. to Humphrey de Bohun, Earl of Hereford; Alice, m. toThomas Holland, Earl of Kent; Mary, m. to John, Lord Strange, ofBlackmere; and Eleanor, m. to Robert, son of William de Ufford, Earl ofSuffolk. His lordship d. in 1376, and was s. by his eldest son, RichardFitz-Alan, 10th Earl of Arundel. [Sir Bernard Burke, Dormant, Abeyant,Forfeited, and Extinct Peerages, Burke's Peerage, Ltd., London, 1883, p.200, Fitz-Alan, Earls of Arundel, Barons Maltravers]
Abt 1318
Grismond Castle, Monmouthshire, Wales
11 Jan 1371/72
Arundel Castle, Sussex, England
Lewes, Sussex, England
The Magna Charta Sureties 1215, Frederick Lewis Weis, additions by WalterLee Sheppard Jr, 5th Edition, 1999, 18-7, 19-7, 121-6, 134-7
Ancestral Roots of Certain American Colonists, 7th Edition, by FrederickLewis Weis, additions by Walter Lee Shippard Jr.,, 17-30, 97-33
Burke's Peerage & Baronetage, 106th Edition, Charles MosleyEditor-in-Chief, 1999, 2098
GEDCOM File : ~AT8123.ged
                   Richard's mistress and 2nd wife Eleanor, daughter of the 3rd Earl ofLancaster (ggs of Henry III) of the 1267 investiture (by his wife Maud deChaworth) and widow of the 2nd Lord (Baron) Beaumont.  [Burke's Peerage]
Abt 1345
Arundel, Essex, England
7 Apr 1419
Saffron Walden, Essex, England
25 Mar 1346
Arundel, Sussex, England
21 Sep 1397
Beheaded in London, Middlesex, England
15 Aug 1390
2nd husband 2nd wife 
                   Richard Fitz Alan, 11th/4th Earl of Arundel and 11th Earl of Surrey, KG(1386); born 1346; Admiral of the West and South 1377, and of all England1386; fought in the Hundred Years War, defeating a Franco-Spanish-Flemishfleet off Margate 1387; Governor of Brest 1388; one of the LordsAppellant (clique of nobles opposed to Richard II's favourites) 1388;married 1st c28 Sep 1359 Elizabeth, daughter of William Bohun, 1st Earlof Northampton of the March 1336/7 creation, and had with another son(presumably but not necessarily by her), Sir Edmund de Arundel, laterbastardised (owing to his father's attainder?), whose daughter Philippawas mother of Avice, wife of the 11th Earl of Oxford; married 2nd 15 Aug1390 Lady Philippa Mortimer, daughter of 3rd Earl of March by Philippa,only daughter of Lionel Duke of Clarence (2nd son of Edward III), andwidow of 5th Lord (Baron) Hastings, and was attainted, his titles andlands being forfeited, and beheaded 21 Sep 1397 for his opposition toRichard II, having had no issue by her [Philippa].  [Burke's Peerage]

Note: I think that the part of the above citation concerning a son Edmundde Arundel, Philippa, and Avice, wife of the 11th Earl of Oxford, isexplained by The Magna Charta Sureties.  Edmund is not a son of thisRichard, but his half-brother.
John , 1st Baron of Arundel, Mp FITZALAN
Aft 1347
Betchworth, Surrey, England
15 Dec 1379
At sea between Ireland & England
                   John d'Arundel, 1st Lord (Baron) Arundel, as which called to Parliamentby writ 4 Aug 1377, probably as a result of his marriage (in which caseit may be held to be identical with the Barony of Mautravers); Marshal ofEnglans 1377 and 1378; commanded a naval force which won a victory overthe French off Cornwall; married 17 Feb 1358/9 Eleanor, BaronessMautravers in her own right (married 2nd c9 Sep 1384 2nd Lord (Baron)Cobham (of Sterborough) and died 10 Jan 1404/5), younger daughter of SirJohn Mautravers and granddaughter of 1st Lord (Baron) Mautravers, and waslost at sea between Ireland and England 15 or 16 Dec 1379.  [Burke'sPeerage]


John, marshal of England in 1377, summoned to parliament 1st to 3rdRichard II [1377-1379]. He d. 1379, having m. Eleanor, grand-dau. andco-heir of John, Lord Maltravers, in whose right he bore that title, andby her (who m. 2ndly, Reginald, Lord Cobham), had issue, John, William,Thomas (also called Edward), Henry, and Joan. [Sir Bernard Burke,Dormant, Abeyant, Forfeited, and Extinct Peerages, Burke's Peerage, Ltd.,London, 1883, p. 201, Fitz-Alan, Earls of Arundel, Barons Maltravers]
Abt 1350
Arundel, Essex, England
17 Mar 1415/16
FamilyCentral Network
Richard II "Copped Hat" , Earl Arundel FitzAlan - Eleanor Plantagenet

Richard II "Copped Hat" , Earl Arundel FitzAlan was born at Arundel Castle, Sussex, England Abt 1313. His parents were Edmund , 9th Earl of Arundel FitzAlan and Alice de Warenne.

He married Eleanor Plantagenet 5 Feb 1344/45 at Ditton, England . Eleanor Plantagenet was born at Grismond Castle, Monmouthshire, Wales Abt 1318 daughter of Henry , 3rd Earl of Lancaster, Mp Plantagenet and Maud de Chaworth .

They were the parents of 4 children:
Joan FitzAlan born Abt 1345.
Richard III , Kg, Earl of Arundel&Surrey FitzAlan born 25 Mar 1346.
John , 1st Baron of Arundel, Mp FitzAlan born Aft 1347.
Alice FitzAlan born Abt 1350.

Richard II "Copped Hat" , Earl Arundel FitzAlan died 24 Jan 1375/76 at Arundel, Sussex, England .

Eleanor Plantagenet died 11 Jan 1371/72 at Arundel Castle, Sussex, England .