Edmund "Crouchback" , Earl Lancaster PLANTAGENET

16 Jan 1244/45
London, Middlesex, England
5 Jun 1296
Bayonne, Pyrennes-Atlantiques, France
Earl of Leicester, High Steward of England, Mp
29 Oct 1276
Paris, Seine, France
The Magna Charta Sureties 1215, Frederick Lewis Weis, additions by WalterLee Sheppard Jr, 5th Edition, 1999, 4-6
Burke's Peerage & Baronetage, 106th Edition, Charles MosleyEditor-in-Chief, 1999, 1671
GEDCOM File : ~AT8123.ged
following copied from James Stevens, World Connect db=:2052409,rootsweb.com

Following is a brief summary of Edmund's entry from the "Dictionary ofNational Biography" :

In 1254, at the age of nine, Pope Innocent VI invested him with thekindom of Sicily and Apulia. The huge sums of money sought by the Popeand Edmund's father, KING HENRY III, to drive Manfred out of southernItaly made this venture very unpopular with the English barons. Thescheme was finally abandoned in 1263. In 1264, England was in a state ofcivil war. KING HENRY III and PRINCE EDWARD were captured by the forcesof Simon De Montfort, the Earl of Leicester, who was, for all practicalpurposes, the ruler of England. Meanwhile, Edmund and his mother, QUEENELEANOR were in Paris raising an army. After the Battle of Eversham in1265, where Simon de Montfort was slain and his forces defeated by PRINCEEDWARD who had escaped from captivity, Edmund returned to England withhis mother. He was one of the magnates who urged THE KING to adopt thesweeping measure of confiscation (against those barons who had supportedMontfort) determined on in the parliament of Winchester, being moved, itwas believed, by the desire of enriching himself. He had a large share ofthe spoils, being created Earl of Leicester and receiving the stewardshipof the kingdom. In 1267 he was also created Earl of Lancaster. With hisbrother, PRINCE EDWARD, and several other magnates, Edmund took up thecross in 1268 and was with his brother at Acre in 1271-72.

Returning home before EDWARD, he reached England in December 1272,shortly after his father's death, was received with rejoicing by theLondoners, and went to his mother at Windsor. His crusade, during whichhe is said to have accomplished little or nothing , seems to have gainedhim the nickname of Crouchback (or crossed back). It is said, however, tohave been asserted by John of Gaunt in 1385 that the name implieddeformity, that Edmund was really the elder son of HENRY III, but hadbeen passed over by his father as unfit to reign, and a desire ofspreading this fable appears to have been entertained by Henry ofLancaster, Henry IV, and was perhaps implied in his challenge of thecrown.

By his marriage, after the death of his childless first wife (Aveline deFortibus) to BLANCHE, the granddaughter of KING LOIUS VIII OF FRANCE,Edmund became Count of Champagne and Brie. From 1277 to 1296 Edmund wasactive in THE KING's service. He commanded THE KING's forces in SouthWales, acted as ambassador at the French court, unsuccessfully attemptedto organize another crusade on behalf of THE KING, and, in conjunctionwith ROGER DE MORTIMER, EARL OF MARCH (RIN 684), defeated and executedLlewelyn in Wales. When war broke out with France in 1294/5, Edmund wasagain serving as ambassador there.  Remaining loyal to KING EDWARD, he,of course, lost all claim to his French possessions. He led armies inBrittany and Gascony. He died in Bayonne deeply mortified that he was notprovided the funds needed to keep his army in the field. "He wasreligoius, gay, and pleasant in disposition, open-handed, and a popularcommander."
Blanche d' , Queen of Navarre ARTOIS
Arras, Paris, France
2 May 1302
Paris, Seine, France
The Magna Charta Sureties 1215, Frederick Lewis Weis, additions by WalterLee Sheppard Jr, 5th Edition, 1999, 4-6
Ancestral Roots of Certain American Colonists, 7th Edition, by FrederickLewis Weis, additions by Walter Lee Shippard Jr.,, 17-28, 45-30
GEDCOM File : ~AT8123.ged
Abt 1281
Grosmont Castle, Monmouthshire, Wales
22 Sep 1345
Monastery of Cannons, Leicestershire, England
Aft 1322
2nd husband 2nd wife 
                   Henry, 3rd Earl of Lancaster of the 1267 creation (2nd son of EdmundCrouchback, 1st Earl of Lancaster, 2nd son of Henry III).  [Burke'sPeerage]

following copied from James Stevens, World Connect db=:2052409,rootsweb.com

Following is a brief summary of Henry's entry from the "Dictionary ofNational Biography" :

He served with EDWARD I in Flanders in 1297 and 1298. He fought inScotland several times between 1298 and 1305. In 1315 he, in common withthe other lords of the Welsh marches, joined the Earl of Hereford inputting down the rebellion of Llewelyn Bren, and in 1318 he was orderedto bring his Welsh retainers to Newcastle to serve against the Scots. Hewas opposed to the Despensers, for the greediness of the youngerthreatened the lords marchers generally; but he does not seem to have hadany violent feelings against the king, and was not involved in hisbrother's [Thomas, Earl of Lancaster] treason. In 1324 he was createdEarl of Lancaster, Earl of Leicester, and Steward of England, dignitieswhich had been held by his brother. It is evident that he was indignantat his brother's fate, and was resolved to avenge it, and was notappeased by these honors. In 1324 the King unsuccessfully had him triedfor treason. He was, at this time, regarded as the foremost man in thekingdom. Henry supported Queen Isabel upon her return to England and hewas instrumental in the downfall of the Despensers and had custody ofKing Edward II for a time during his imprisonment. He is said to havetreated the King very humanely. Henry was the guardian of King Edward IIIduring his minority and was the chief member of the council ofgovernment. In 1326 he took the lead in opposition to the rule of QueenIsabel and her paramour, ROGER MORTIMER, EARL OF MARCH (RIN 684). Earlyin the year 1330, following a slow degeneration of his vision, Henrybecame totally blind. Still, he persuaded the king of the necessity ofgetting rid of MORTIMER and was the mastermind of the plot which led toMORTIMER'S capture, trial, and execution late in the year.  The Earl'sblindness, which he bore with patience, forced him to retire from activelife; he gave himself wholly to devotion. He was courteous andkindhearted, of sound judgement, religious, and apparently of high
FamilyCentral Network
Edmund "Crouchback" , Earl Lancaster Plantagenet - Blanche d' , Queen of Navarre Artois

Edmund "Crouchback" , Earl Lancaster Plantagenet was born at London, Middlesex, England 16 Jan 1244/45.

He married Blanche d' , Queen of Navarre Artois 29 Oct 1276 at Paris, Seine, France . Blanche d' , Queen of Navarre Artois was born at Arras, Paris, France 1248 .

They were the parents of 1 child:
Henry , 3rd Earl of Lancaster, Mp Plantagenet born Abt 1281.

Edmund "Crouchback" , Earl Lancaster Plantagenet died 5 Jun 1296 at Bayonne, Pyrennes-Atlantiques, France .

Blanche d' , Queen of Navarre Artois died 2 May 1302 at Paris, Seine, France .