John 2nd Baron de , of Thirsk, Sir MOWBRAY

4 Sep 1286
Thirsk, North Ride Yorkshire, England
23 Mar 1321/22
executed after battle of Boroughbridge, Yorkshire, England
His corpse left dangling at York for 3 years.
Swansea, Glamorganshire, Wales
The Magna Charta Sureties 1215, Frederick Lewis Weis, additions by WalterLee Sheppard Jr, 5th Edition, 1999, 63-4, 122a-4
Burke's Peerage & Baronetage, 106th Edition, Charles MosleyEditor-in-Chief, 1999, 2026
GEDCOM File : ~AT8123.ged
                   John de Mowbray, 2nd Lord (Baron) Mowbray; allegedly born 4 Sep 1286;knighted 1306; served regularly against the Scots 1308-19, Keeper of theCity and County of York 1312, Warden of the Marches towards Carlisle 1313and Jan 1314/5, Captain and Keeper of Newcastle-upon-Tyne andNorthumberland March 1314/5, Keeper of town and castle of Scarborough andmanor and castle of Malton 1317; joined Thomas, Earl of Lancaster, inrebellion against Edward II; married 1298 Aline de Braose/Brewes,daughter and coheir of 1st and apparently last Lord (Baron) Brewes, andafter being taken prisoner at the Battle of Boroughbridge 16 March 1321/2was hanged 23 March at York, his corpse allegedly being kept dangling foraround three years.  [Burke's Peerage]


John de Mowbray, Knight, 2nd Lord Mowbray of Thirsk, MP 1307-1321, wardenof the marches near Carlisle and of the town and castle of Scarborough1317, executed after the battle of Boroughbridge, at York, 23 Mar 1321/2.[Magna Charta Sureties]


John de Mowbray, 2nd baron, summoned to parliament from 26 August, 1307,to 5 August, 1320. This nobleman, during his minority, was activelyengaged in the Scottish wars of King Edward I, and had livery of all hislands before he attained majority in consideration of those services. Inthe 6th Edward II [1313], being then sheriff of Yorkshire and governor ofthe city of York, he had command from the king to seize upon Henry dePercy, then a great baron in the north, in consequence of that noblemansuffering Piers de Gaveston, Earl of Cornwall, to escape from ScarboroughCastle in which he had undertaken to keep him in safety. The next yearLord Mowbray was in another expedition into Scotland, and he was thenconstituted one of the wardens of the marches towards that kingdom. Inthe 11th of the same reign [1318], he was made governor of Malton andScarborough Castles, in Yorkshire, and the following year he was oncemore in Scotland, invested with authority to receive into protection allwho should submit to King Edward, but afterwards taking part in theinsurrection of Thomas, Earl of Lancaster, he was made prisoner with thatnobleman and others at the battle of Boroughbridge and immediately hangedat York, anno 1321, when his lands were seized by the crown and Aliva,his widow, with her son, imprisoned in the Tower of London. This lady,who was dau. and co-heir of William de Braose, Lord Braose, of Gower, wascompelled, in order to obtain some alleviation of her unhappy situation,to confer several manors of her own inheritance upon Hugh le Despencer,Earl of Winchester. In the next reign, however, she obtained from thecrown a confirmation of Gowerland, in Wales, to herself and the heirs ofher body by her deceased husband, with remainder to Humphrey de Bohun,Earl of Hereford and Essex, and his heirs. Lady Mowbray m. 2ndly, Sir Peshale, Knt., and d. in the 5th Edward III [1332]. [Sir BernardBurke, Dormant, Abeyant, Forfeited, and Extinct Peerages, Burke'sPeerage, Ltd., London, 1883, p. 387, Mowbray, Earls of Nottingham, Dukesof Norfolk, Earls-Marshal, Earls of Warren and Surrey]
Aline de , Heiress of Bramber & Gower BRAOSE
Abt 1286
Gower, Glamorganshire, Wales
Bef 20 Jul 1331
Swansea, Glamorganshire, Wales
The Magna Charta Sureties 1215, Frederick Lewis Weis, additions by WalterLee Sheppard Jr, 5th Edition, 1999, 63-4, 122a-4
GEDCOM File : ~AT8123.ged
Christianna MOWBRAY
Abt 1300
Kirklington, North Ride Yorkshire, England
29 Nov 1310
Hovingham, Malton, North Ride Yorkshire, England
4 Oct 1361
York, Yorkshire, England
Aft 1349
2nd husband 2nd wife 
                   John de Mowbray, 3rd Lord (Baron) Mowbray, JP (Lincs 1351); born 29 Nov1310; incarcerated in Tower of London 26 Feb 1321/2, presumably forcomplicity in the father's rebellion; Keeper of Berwick-upon-Tweed1340-41, a commander at English victory over the Scots of Neville's Cross1346; married 1st 1325 Joan, 6th and youngest daughter of 3rd Earl ofLancaster, grandson of Henry III and had issue; married 2nd Elizabeth,daughter of the 7th Earl of Oxford and widow of Hugh de Courtenay, son ofthe 2nd Earl of Devon of the Feb 1334/5 creation, and died 4 Oct 1361.[Burke's Peerage]


John de Mowbray, 3rd Lord Mowbray of Thirsk, MP 1327-1360.  [Magna ChartaSureties]


John de Mowbray, 3rd baron, was summoned to parliament from 10 December,1327, to 20 November, 1360. This nobleman found much favour from KingEdward III, who, in consideration of the eminent services of hisprogenitors, accepted his homage and gave him full livery of his landsbefore he came of full age. He was subsequently the constant companion inarms of his martial sovereign, attending him in his glorious campaign inFrance where he assisted at the siege of Nantes and the raising that ofAguillon. He was likewise at the celebrated battle of Durham (20th EdwardIII) [1347], and at one time was governor of Berwick-upon-Tweed. Hislordship m. the Lady Joan Plantagenet, dau. of Henry, Earl of Lancaster,by whom he had issue, John, his successor. Lord Mowbray, who was styledin the charters, Lord of the Isle of Axholme, and of the honour of Gowerand Bramber, d. in 1361, and was s. by his son, John de Mowbray, 4thbaron. [Sir Bernard Burke, Dormant, Abeyant, Forfeited, and ExtinctPeerages, Burke's Peerage, Ltd., London, 1883, p. 387, Mowbray, Earls ofNottingham, Dukes of Norfolk, Earls-Marshal, Earls of Warren and Surrey]
FamilyCentral Network
John 2nd Baron de , of Thirsk, Sir Mowbray - Aline de , Heiress of Bramber & Gower Braose

John 2nd Baron de , of Thirsk, Sir Mowbray was born at Thirsk, North Ride Yorkshire, England 4 Sep 1286. His parents were Roger 1st Baron de , of Thirsk, Sir Mowbray and Roese de Clare.

He married Aline de , Heiress of Bramber & Gower Braose 1298 at Swansea, Glamorganshire, Wales . Aline de , Heiress of Bramber & Gower Braose was born at Gower, Glamorganshire, Wales Abt 1286 daughter of William VI 1stLast Baron de , of Gower Braose and Elizabeth de Sully .

They were the parents of 2 children:
Christianna Mowbray born Abt 1300.
John 3rd Baron de , of Thirsk, Sir Mowbray born 29 Nov 1310.

John 2nd Baron de , of Thirsk, Sir Mowbray died 23 Mar 1321/22 at executed after battle of Boroughbridge, Yorkshire, England .

Aline de , Heiress of Bramber & Gower Braose died Bef 20 Jul 1331 at Swansea, Glamorganshire, Wales .