Humphrey VIII de , Earl Hereford & Essex BOHUN
Burke's Peerage & Baronetage, 106th Edition, Charles MosleyEditor-in-Chief, 1999, 1378
Ancestral Roots of Certain American Colonists, 7th Edition, by FrederickLewis Weis, additions by Walter Lee Shippard Jr.,, 7-30
GEDCOM File : ~AT8123.ged
Humphrey de Bohun, Earl of Hereford, Earl of Essex, and Lord HighConstable. In the 30th Edward I [1302-3], this nobleman gave and grantedunto the king, by a formal conversance, the inheritances of al his landsand lordships, as also of his earldoms of Hereford and Essex, and theconstableship of England, which, upon his marriage with ElizabethPlantagenet, widow of John, Earl of Holland, and dau. of the king, wereregranted to him and entailed upon his issue lawfully begotten by thatlady; in default thereof, and from and after the death of himself andwife, then the lordship of Plessets and certain other lordships in Essexand elsewhere, together with the constableship, should remain wholly tothe king and his heirs for ever. In the 34th of the same reign [13-6-7]he had a grant similarly entailed of the whole territory of Annandale, inScotland. After this his lordship was in the wars of Scotland and wastaken prisoner in the 7th Edward II (1313-14), at the disastrous battle(to the English) of Stryvelin. But he was exchanged for the wife ofRobert Bruce, who had long been captive in England. From this period wefind him constantly engaged in the service of the crown until the 14thyear of the king's reign [1321-22], when Edward learning that the earlwas raising forces in the marches of Wales against Hugh de Spencer theyounger, sent him a peremptory command to forbear, which his lordship notonly refused obeying but forthwith joined Thomas, Earl of Lancaster, inthe great insurrection then incited by that nobleman for the redress ofcertain grievances and the banishment of the Spencers. In his proceeding,however, he eventually lost his life, being run through the body by asoldier at the battle of Boroughbridge, in Yorkshire, where his partyreceived so signal a defeat on 16 March, 1321. The earl had issue fivesurviving sons and two surviving daus., viz., John, Humphrey, Edward,William, Humphrey, Alianore, and Margaret. The earl was s. by his eldestson, Sir John de Bohun, K.B. [Sir Bernard Burke, Dormant and ExtinctPeerages, Burke's Peerage, London, 1883, p. 57, Bohun, Earls of Hereford,Earls of Essex, Earls of Northampton, and High Constables of England]
Burke's Peerage & Baronetage, 106th Edition, Charles MosleyEditor-in-Chief, 1999, 1378
Ancestral Roots of Certain American Colonists, 7th Edition, by FrederickLewis Weis, additions by Walter Lee Shippard Jr.,, 7-30
GEDCOM File : ~AT8123.ged
In 1357 Edward III conferred the Earldom of Northampton on his cousin andleading adviser William de Bohun, youngest son by a daughter of Edward Iof Humphrey de Bohun, Earl of Hertford and Essex. The new Earl wasoccupied in fighting the Scots in the north of England, of which hebecame Constable in 1338, and the French in the opening stages of theHundred Years War. William's son Humphrey succeeded him but died withoutmale issue in Jan 1372/3, when the Earldom expired. [Burke's Peerage,Northampton, Earldom & Marquessate, p. 2108] ---------------------------------------- William, a personage of great eminence in the turbulent times in which helived and one of the gallant heros of Cressy. In the parliament held atLondon in the 11th Edward III [1338], upon the advancement of the BlackPrince to the dukedom of Cornwall, he was created Earl of Northampton (17March, 1337), and from that period his lordship appears the constantcompanion in arms of the martial Edward, and his illustrious son. AtCressy he was in the second battalia of the English army, and he wasfrequently engaged in the subsequent wars of France and Scotland. He wasentrusted at different periods with the most important offices, such asambassador to treat of peace with hostile powers, commissioner to levytroops, &c., and he was finally honoured with the Garter. His lordship m.Elizabeth, dau. of Bartholomew de Badlesmere, one of the co-heirs of herbrother Giles, and widow of Edmund de Mortimer, by whom he had issue,Humphrey, 2nd Earl of Northampton, of whom hereafter, as successor to hisuncle in the earldom of Hereford and Essex and constableship of England;and Elizabeth, m. to Richard FitzAlan, 10th Earl of Arundel. He d. in1360. [Sir Bernard Burke, Dormant and Extinct Peerages, Burke's Peerage,London, 1883, p. 57-58, Bohun, Earls of Hereford, Earls of Essex, Earlsof Northampton, and High Constables of England]
He married Elizabeth Plantagenet Princess of England 14 Nov 1302 at Westminster, London, England . Elizabeth Plantagenet Princess of England was born at Rhuddlan Castle, Flintshire, Wales Aug 1282 daughter of Edward I Plantagenet "Longshanks" King o England and Eleanor Princess of Castile .
They were the parents of 3
Eleanor de Bohun
born Bef 17 Oct 1305.
Margaret de , Heiress of Powderham Bohun
born 2 Apr 1311.
William de , 1st Earl of Northampton, Kg Bohun
born Abt 1312.
Humphrey VIII de , Earl Hereford & Essex Bohun died 16 Mar 1321/22 at Battle of Boroughbridge, Yorkshire, England (slain) .
Elizabeth Plantagenet Princess of England died 5 May 1316 at Quendon, Essex, England .