Humphrey VII de , Earl Hereford & Essex BOHUN
Abt 1249
Herefordshire, England
31 Dec 1298
Pleshey Castle, Essex, England
The Magna Charta Sureties 1215, Frederick Lewis Weis, additions by WalterLee Sheppard Jr, 5th Edition, 1999, 18-4
GEDCOM File : ~AT8123.ged
GEDCOM File : ~AT8123.ged
Humphrey de Bohun, Earl of Hereford, Earl of Essex, and Lord HighConstable. This nobleman inheriting the high and daring spirit of hispredecessors, often strenuously opposed the measures of the court and wasoften, therefore, in disgrace, but he appears at the close of his careerto have regained royal favour, for we find him attending the king intoScotland with that monarch (Edward I) obtained a great victory nearRoxburgh. His lordship m. Maud, dau. of Sir Ingelram de Fiennes, anddying in 1297, was s. by his son, Humphrey de Bohun. [Sir Bernard Burke,Dormant and Extinct Peerages, Burke's Peerage, London, 1883, p. 57,Bohun, Earls of Hereford, Earls of Essex, Earls of Northampton, and HighConstables of England]
Abt 1231
Wendover Manor, Buckinghamshire, England
6 Nov 1298
The Magna Charta Sureties 1215, Frederick Lewis Weis, additions by WalterLee Sheppard Jr, 5th Edition, 1999, 18-4
GEDCOM File : ~AT8123.ged
GEDCOM File : ~AT8123.ged
Abt 1276
Pleshey Castle, Essex, England
16 Mar 1321/22
Battle of Boroughbridge, Yorkshire, England (slain)
Humphrey de Bohun, Earl of Hereford, Earl of Essex, and Lord HighConstable. In the 30th Edward I [1302-3], this nobleman gave and grantedunto the king, by a formal conversance, the inheritances of al his landsand lordships, as also of his earldoms of Hereford and Essex, and theconstableship of England, which, upon his marriage with ElizabethPlantagenet, widow of John, Earl of Holland, and dau. of the king, wereregranted to him and entailed upon his issue lawfully begotten by thatlady; in default thereof, and from and after the death of himself andwife, then the lordship of Plessets and certain other lordships in Essexand elsewhere, together with the constableship, should remain wholly tothe king and his heirs for ever. In the 34th of the same reign [13-6-7]he had a grant similarly entailed of the whole territory of Annandale, inScotland. After this his lordship was in the wars of Scotland and wastaken prisoner in the 7th Edward II (1313-14), at the disastrous battle(to the English) of Stryvelin. But he was exchanged for the wife ofRobert Bruce, who had long been captive in England. From this period wefind him constantly engaged in the service of the crown until the 14thyear of the king's reign [1321-22], when Edward learning that the earlwas raising forces in the marches of Wales against Hugh de Spencer theyounger, sent him a peremptory command to forbear, which his lordship notonly refused obeying but forthwith joined Thomas, Earl of Lancaster, inthe great insurrection then incited by that nobleman for the redress ofcertain grievances and the banishment of the Spencers. In his proceeding,however, he eventually lost his life, being run through the body by asoldier at the battle of Boroughbridge, in Yorkshire, where his partyreceived so signal a defeat on 16 March, 1321. The earl had issue fivesurviving sons and two surviving daus., viz., John, Humphrey, Edward,William, Humphrey, Alianore, and Margaret. The earl was s. by his eldestson, Sir John de Bohun, K.B. [Sir Bernard Burke, Dormant and ExtinctPeerages, Burke's Peerage, London, 1883, p. 57, Bohun, Earls of Hereford,Earls of Essex, Earls of Northampton, and High Constables of England]
FamilyCentral Network
Humphrey VII de , Earl Hereford & Essex Bohun - Maud de Fiennes
Humphrey VII de , Earl Hereford & Essex Bohun
was born at Herefordshire, England Abt 1249.
He married Maud de Fiennes 1275 . Maud de Fiennes was born at Wendover Manor, Buckinghamshire, England Abt 1231 .
They were the parents of 1
Humphrey VIII de , Earl Hereford & Essex Bohun
born Abt 1276.
Humphrey VII de , Earl Hereford & Essex Bohun died 31 Dec 1298 at Pleshey Castle, Essex, England .
Maud de Fiennes died 6 Nov 1298 .