Richard FitzGilbert 1st Earl de CLARE

Abt 1035
Brione, Normandy, France
Bef 1090
St Neots, Huntingdonshire, England
Abt 1054
The Magna Charta Sureties 1215, Frederick Lewis Weis, additions by WalterLee Sheppard Jr, 5th Edition, 1999, 153-1, 157-1
Burke's Peerage & Baronetage, 106th Edition, Charles MosleyEditor-in-Chief, 1999, 1069
GEDCOM File : ~AT1255.ged
                   Richard Fitz Gilbert; also known as "de Bienfaite" (from the quantity ofhis fiefs), "de Clare" or "de Tonbridge" (from actual fiefs); went withhis cousin William I the Conqueror to England and was granted 176Lordships, 95 of them associated with the Honour (feudal unit ofadministration) of Clare, Suffolk, and others with Tonbridge, Kent.[Burke's Peerage]


Richard FitzGilbert, having accompanied the Conqueror into England,participated in the spoils of conquest and obtained extensive possessionsin the new and old dominions of his royal leader and kinsman. In 1073 wefind him joined under the designation of Ricardus de Benefacta, withWilliam de Warren, in the great office of Justiciary of England, withwhom, in three years afterwards, he was in arms against the rebelliouslords Robert de Britolio, Earl of Hereford, and Ralph Waher, or Guarder,Earl of Norfolk and Suffolk, and behaved with great gallantry. Butafterwards, at the time of the General Survey, which was towards theclose of William's reign, he is called Ricardus de Tonebruge, from hisseat at Tonebruge (now Tunbridge) in Kent, which town and castle heobtained from the archbishop of Canterbury in lieu of the castle ofBrion, at which time he enjoyed thirty-eight lordships in Surrey,thirty-five in Essex, three in Cambridgeshire, with some others in Wiltsand Devon, and ninety-five in Suffolk, amongst those was Clare, whence hewas occasionally styled Richard de Clare, and that place in a few yearsafterwards becoming the chief seat of the family, his descendants aresaid to have assumed thereupon the title of Earls of Clare. This greatfeudal lord m. Rohese, dau. of Walter Giffard, Earl of Buckingham, andhad issue, Gilbert, his successor, Roger, Walter, Richard, Robert, a dau.m. to Ralph de Telgers, and a dau. mo. to Eudo Dapifer. Richard deTonebruge, or de Clare, whose is said to have fallen in a skirmish withthe Welsh, was s. by his eldest son, Gilbert de Tonebruge. [Sir BernardBurke, Dormant and Extinct Peerages, Burke's Peerage, London, 1883, p.118, Clare, Lords of Clare, Earls of Hertford, Earls of Gloucester]
Abt 1036
Longueville, Normandy, France
Aft 1133
The Magna Charta Sureties 1215, Frederick Lewis Weis, additions by WalterLee Sheppard Jr, 5th Edition, 1999, 153-1
GEDCOM File : ~AT1255.ged
Abt 1055
Tunbridge, Kent, England
Abt 1088
Richard FitzRichard de CLARE
Tunbridge, Kent, England
Ronais FitzGilbert de CLARE
Chepstow, Monmouthshire, Wales
Bef 1066
Clare, Suffolk, England
Bef 1117
of Tonbridge, Kent, England & Cardigan, Wales
                   Gilbert de Tonebruge, who resided at Tonebruge and inherited all hisfather's lands in England, joined in the rebellion of Robert de Mowbray,Earl of Northumberland, but observing the king (William Rufus) upon thepoint of falling into an ambuscade, he relented, sought pardon, and savedhis royal master. We find him subsequently, however, again in rebellionin the same reign and fortifying and losing his castle at Tunbridge. Hem. in 1113, Adeliza, dau. of the Earl of Cleremont, and had issue,Richard, his successor, Gilbert, Walter, Hervey, and Baldwin. Gilbert deTonebruge, who was a munificent benefactor to the church, was s. by hiseldest son, Richard de Clare. [Sir Bernard Burke, Dormant and ExtinctPeerages, Burke's Peerage, London, 1883, p. 119, Clare, Lords of Clare,Earls of Hertford, Earls of Gloucester]

Gilbert m. Adeliza, dau, of the Earl of Claremont, and was father ofRichard de Clare, Earl of Hertford, and Gilbert de Clare, created Earl ofPembroke. [Sir Bernard Burke, Dormant, Abeyant, Forfeited and ExtinctPeerages, Burke's Peerage, Ltd., London, England, 1883, p. 230, Giffard,Earls of Buckingham]
Abt 1075
Tunbridge, Kent, England
Little Dunmow, Essex, England
                   Robert, 5th son of Richard FitzGilbert, Earl of Clare (ancestor of theEarls of Hertford), being steward to King Henry I, obtained from thatmonarch the Barony of Dunmow in Essex, as also the honour of BaynardCastle, in the city of London, both of which came into the possession ofthe crown by the forfeiture of William Baynard. This Robert m. in 1112,Maud de St. Liz, Lady of Bradham, dau. of Simon de St. Liz, 1st Earl ofHuntingdon, and by her, (who d. in 1140, m. 2ndly, Saer de Quincy) hadtwo sons, Walter, his successor, and Simon, to whom he gave Daventre, inNorthamptonshire. He d. in 1134, and was s. by his elder son, WalterFitzRobert. [Sir Bernard Burke, Dormant, Abeyant, Forfeited, and ExtinctPeerages, Burke's Peerage, Ltd., London, 1883, p. 212, FitzWalter, BaronsFitzWalter]


Robert, steward to King Henry I, m. Maud, dau. of Simon de St. Liz, Earlof Huntingdon, and had Walter Fitz-Robert, whose son, Robert Fitz-Walter,was one of the most distinguished of the barons who rebelled againstJohn, and was stuled, Marshal of the Army of God and Holy church. [SirBernard Burke, Dormant and Extinct Peerages, Burke's Peerage, London,1883, p. 118, Clare, Lords of Clare, Earls of Hertford, Earls ofGloucester]
FamilyCentral Network
Richard FitzGilbert 1st Earl de Clare - Rohese Giffard

Richard FitzGilbert 1st Earl de Clare was born at Brione, Normandy, France Abt 1035. His parents were Gilbert FitzGodfrey , Count d'Eu&Brionne Crispin and Gunnora d' Anjou.

He married Rohese Giffard Abt 1054 at England . Rohese Giffard was born at Longueville, Normandy, France Abt 1036 daughter of Walter I , Seigneur of Longueville Giffard and Agnes Flatel .

They were the parents of 5 children:
Rohese FitzRichard de Clare born Abt 1055.
Richard FitzRichard de Clare born 1062.
Ronais FitzGilbert de Clare born 1064.
Gilbert Fitz Richard de , Earl Hertford Clare born Bef 1066.
Robert , Lord of Dunmow FitzRichard born Abt 1075.

Richard FitzGilbert 1st Earl de Clare died Bef 1090 at St Neots, Huntingdonshire, England .

Rohese Giffard died Aft 1133 .