John FitzRichard de , Constable of Chester LACY

Lincoln, Lincolnshire, England
11 Oct 1190
Tyre, Palestine
GEDCOM File : ~AT1255.ged
                   When Robert de Lacy dsp in 1193, his half sister, Albreda Lisours (thedau. of his mother, Albrida, by her 2nd husband, Eudo de Lisours), thenthe wife of Richard Fitz-Eustace, feudal baron of Halton, and constableof Chester, possessed herself of the Barony of Pontefract, and all theother lands of her deceased brother, under pretence of a grant from Henryde Lacy, her 1st husband. By Fitz-Eustace, she had a son, John, whobecoming heir to his half uncle, Robert de Lacy, assumed that surname andinherited, as John de Lacy, the Baronies of Halton and Pontefract. [SirBernard Burke, Dormant, Abeyant, Forfeited, and Extinct Peerages, Burke'sPeerage, Ltd., London, 1883, p. 310, Lacy, Earls of Lincoln]

The eldest son and heir of his father, Richard Fitz-Eustace, John alsobecame heir to his half uncle, Robert de Lacy, assumed that surname andinherited, as John de Lacy, the Baronies of Halton and Pontefract, withthe Constableship of Chester. This feudal chief, who was Lord of Flambro,Baron of Halton, and Constable of Chester, had two sons, Roger, Constableof Chester, and Robert. [John Burke, Commoners of Great Britain andIreland, Vol. I, R. Bentley, London, 1834-1838, p. 548, Constable, ofWassand]


The surname of Constable was assumed from the office of Constable ofChester, one of the high dignities constituted by Hugh Lupus, and held bythis family soon after the Norman Conquest. Robert de Lacy, youngerbrother of Roger, Constable of Chester, and Baron of Halton, enjoyed thelordship of Flamburgh, by gift of that nobleman, and was s. by his son,Robert Constable. [John Burke, Esq. and John Bernard Burke, Esq., Extinctand Dormant Baronetcies of England, Ireland, and Scotland, 2nd Edition,Scott, Webster, and Geary, London, 1841, p. 124-5, Constable, ofEveringham]


Richard Fitz-Eustace, Baron of Halton, and constable of Chester, m.Albreda, dau. and heir of Robert de Lizures, and half-sister of Robert deLacy, and had issue, John, who assumed the surname of Lacy, and s. hisfather as constable of Chester. [Sir Bernard Burke, Dormant and ExtinctPeerages, Burke's Peerage, Ltd., London, 1883, p. 121, Clavering, BaronsClavering]
Abt 1140
Rycott, Oxfordshire, England
GEDCOM File : ~AT1255.ged
Helen de LACY
Lincoln, Lincolnshire, England
Abt 1171
Lincoln, Lincolnshire, England
                   Roger de Lacy, constable of Chester, assisted at the siege of Acon in1192 under the banner of the lion-hearted Richard, and shared in thesubsequent triumphs of the chivalrous monarch. At the accession of Johnin 1199, he was a person of great eminence, for we find him shortly afterthe coronation of that prince deputed with the sheriff of Northumberlandand other great men to conduct William, King of Scotland, to Lincoln,where the English king had fixed to give him an interview, and the nextyear he was one of the barons present at Lincoln, when David, ofScotland, did homage and fealty to King John.

In the time of this Roger, Ranulph, Earl of Chester, having entered Walesat the head of some forces, was compelled by superior numbers to shuthimself up in the castle of Rothelan, where, being closely besieged bythe Welsh, he sent for aid to the constable of Chester. Hugh Lupus, the1st Earl of Chester, in his charter of foundation of the abbey of St.Werberg, at Chester, had given a privilege to the frequenters of Chesterfair, "That they should not be apprehended for theft or any other offenceduring the time of the fair, unless the crime was committed therein."This privilege made the fair, of course, the resort of thieves andvagabonds from all parts of the kingdom. Accordingly, the constable,Roger de Laci, forthwith marched to his relief at the head of a concourseof people then collected at the fair of Chester, consisting of minstrelsand loose characters of all descriptions, forming altogether so numerousa body that the besiegers, at their approach, mistaking them forsoldiers, immediately raised the siege. For this timely service, the Earlof Chester conferred upon de Lacy and his heirs the patronage of all theminstrels in those parts, which patronage the constable transferred tohis steward, Dutton, and his heirs; and it is enjoyed to this day by thefamily of Dutton.

It is doubtful, however, whether the privilege was transferred to theDuttons by this constable or his successor. The privilege was, "That, atthe midsummer fair held at Chester, all the minstrels of that country,resorting to Chester, do attend the heir of Dutton, from his lodging toSt. John's Church (he being then accompanied by many gentlemen of thecountry, one of them walking before him in a surcoat of his arms depictedon taffeta, the rest of his fellows proceeding two and two, and playingon their several sorts of musical instruments."] When divine serviceterminates, the like attendance upon Dutton to his lodging, where a courtbeing kept by his steward, and all the minstrels formally called, certainorders and laws are made for the government of the society of minstrels.

Roger de Lacy was s. by his son, John de Lacy, constable of Chester. [SirBernard Burke, Dormant, Abeyant, Forfeited, and Extinct Peerages, Burke'sPeerage, Ltd., London, 1883, p. 310-311, Lacy, Earls of Lincoln]
FamilyCentral Network
John FitzRichard de , Constable of Chester Lacy - Alice de Mandeville

John FitzRichard de , Constable of Chester Lacy was born at Lincoln, Lincolnshire, England 1145. His parents were Richard FitzEustace Lord , Baron Halton Clavering and Albreda "Aubrye" de Lisoures.

He married Alice de Mandeville . Alice de Mandeville was born at Rycott, Oxfordshire, England Abt 1140 daughter of Geoffrey de , 1st Earl of Essex Mandeville and Rohese de Vere .

They were the parents of 2 children:
Helen de Lacy born 1165.
Roger de Lacy born Abt 1171.

John FitzRichard de , Constable of Chester Lacy died 11 Oct 1190 at Tyre, Palestine .