Geoffrey de , 1st Earl of Essex MANDEVILLE

Great Waltham, Essex, England
14 Sep 1144
Mildenhall, Suffolk, England
The Magna Charta Sureties 1215, Frederick Lewis Weis, additions by WalterLee Sheppard Jr, 5th Edition, 1999, 159-1
Burke's Peerage & Baronetage, 106th Edition, Charles MosleyEditor-in-Chief, 1999, cxviii, 1004
GEDCOM File : ~AT1255.ged
                   Geoffrey de Mandeville, who like his fellow (the 2nd (meaning AlgernonCapell, 2nd Earl of Essex of the 1641 creation)) Earl of Essex of thepresent creation was Constable of the Tower of London, was created Earlof Essex in 1140 by King Stephen.  He already held numerous manors inBerks, Bucks, Essex, Herts, and Middlesex, which had belonged to hisgrandfather, another Geoffrey, at the time of the Domesday Survey in1086.  The family originated in Normandy, but precisely where is unclear,since there are several place names there akin to Mandeville (which seemsoriginally to have been in Latin 'Magna Villa' or "Great Town").  DeMandeville later sided with the Empress Maud, who granted him a moregenerously framed charter, including a clause making the post ofConstable of the Tower hereditary.  Later still de Mandeville again sidedwith Stephen but subsequently rebelled yet again.  His son was recreatedEarl of Essex by Maud in Jan 1155/6, the rebellious habits of the fatherand perhaps also the appointive nature of earldoms at the time requiringa regrant.

After the death of the 3rd de Mandeville Earl, right to the title passedthrough a female branch but these descendants of the original deMandevilles took the old family name (Mandeville) and were recognised asEarls of Essex in the time of King's John and Henry III.  [Burke'sPeerage, page 1004]

following copied from James Stevens, World Connect db=:2052409,

Cokayne's "Complete Peerage" (Essex, pp. 113-116), says that, for reasonsthat are somewhat obscure, KING STEPHEN, made him Earl of Essex, thenproceeds to detail Geoffrey's frequent switching of support for theEMPRESS MAUD and for KING STEPHEN in their contest for the throne.  AboutOct 1143, he was accused of treason, but he ridiculed the charge.  Hewas, however, arrested and imprisoned until he surrendered his castles toavoid being hanged.  He then broke into open revolt, seized and fortifiedthe Abbey of Ramsey, sacked Cambridge, and ravaged the fen country,until, when beseiging Burwell Castle, having removed his headpice onaccount of the heat, he was mortally wounded by an arrow.
Rohese de VERE
Abt 1112
Hedingham Castle, Essex, England
21 Oct 1166
Chicksands Priory, Bedfordshire, England
The Magna Charta Sureties 1215, Frederick Lewis Weis, additions by WalterLee Sheppard Jr, 5th Edition, 1999, 159-1
GEDCOM File : ~AT1255.ged
Geoffrey de , 2nd Earl of Essex MANDEVILLE
Great Waltham, Essex, England
21 Oct 1166
Chester, Cheshire, England (dsp)
Costow, Wiltshire, England
                   Maud [mother of Geoffrey Fitz Peter (or Piers), wife of Piers deLutegareshale], Lady of Costow, co. Wilts.  [Ancestral Roots]

Maud de Mandeville [daughter of Geoffrey de Mandeville by Rohese deVere]; married (1) Piers de Lutegareshale; married (2) Hugh de Boclande,living 1176.  [Magna Charta Sureties]

Note:  I have reversed the order of marriage which MCS has, because itcertainly makes more sense according to the birthdates of the children.Both of Maud's husbands lived to be fairly old, making it very difficult,even doubtful, if she married both.  I note that Ancestral Roots did notname her Maud de Mandeville (I think that the citation implies a priormarriage to someone from Costow, Wiltshire (possibly Hugh de Boclande?)),and that, according to Burke's Peerage, Geoffrey Fitz Piers did not usehis mother's relationship to claim the Earldom of Essex.  He used hiswife, Beatrice de Say's descendancy from Beatrice de Mandeville sister ofGeoffrey de Mandeville, 1st Earl of Essex.  Thus, even though MCS clearlystates her as Maud de Mandeville, daughter of Geoffrey de Mandeville, Ihave my doubts.
Abt 1140
Rycott, Oxfordshire, England
William de , 3rd Earl of Essex MANDEVILLE
Abt 1144
Rycott, Oxfordshire, England
14 Nov 1189
Normandy, France (dsp)
following copied from James Stevens, World Connect db=:2052409,

Cokayne's "Complete Peerage" (Essex, pp. 118-120). At his brother's deathhe was with THIERRY, COUNT OF FLANDERS. Returning home, he was girdedwith the sword of the Earldom [of Essex], and obtained possession of allhis brother's lands, except the office of Constable of the Tower. Duringthe 1173 revolt he remained faithful to KING HENRY II and was a commanderin the north of France. In 1177 he went on crusade with Philippe, Countof Flanders [the son of the above-mentioned THIERRY]. They assisted theCount of Tripoli in his ineffectual siege of Harenc, being thusfruitlessly occupied on the day of the great battle of Ramleh, where KingBaldwin IV of Jerusalem scattered the hosts of Saladin. In 1179 heattended KING LOUIS VII OF FRANCE on his pilgrimage to Canterbury, andwas an ambassador to the EMPORER FREDERICK BARBAROSSA (RIN 2100) in 1181.

In 1184 he assisted Count Philippe of Flanders against BALDWIN, COUNT OFHAINAULT. He was one of the four generals who were appointed in 1187 toconduct the war with France. In 1189 he was joint Justiciar of England.He died in Normandy while on a mission to KING PHILIP AUGUSTUS OF FRANCE.

As he died childless, his heir was his aunt, BEATRICE DE MANDEVILLE, whohad married WILLIAM DE SAY.
FamilyCentral Network
Geoffrey de , 1st Earl of Essex Mandeville - Rohese de Vere

Geoffrey de , 1st Earl of Essex Mandeville was born at Great Waltham, Essex, England 1092. His parents were William de Mandeville and Margaret de Rie.

He married Rohese de Vere 1129 at England . Rohese de Vere was born at Hedingham Castle, Essex, England Abt 1112 daughter of Aubrey II de , Sheriff of London Vere and Alice de Clare .

They were the parents of 4 children:
Geoffrey de , 2nd Earl of Essex Mandeville born 1134.
Maud de Mandeville born 1138.
Alice de Mandeville born Abt 1140.
William de , 3rd Earl of Essex Mandeville born Abt 1144.

Geoffrey de , 1st Earl of Essex Mandeville died 14 Sep 1144 at Mildenhall, Suffolk, England .

Rohese de Vere died 21 Oct 1166 at England .