15 Dec 1665
Taunton, Bristol, Massachusetts
22 Dec 1735
Dighton, Bristol, Massachusetts
25 Jun 1689
Taunton, Bristol, Massachusetts
                   I have him of Berkeley, MA.
I had him before the DNA.

Elkanah Bobet marriage and children
, from "The Babbitt Family History 1623 - 1900" Will. Bradford Browne. Taunton, Ms, 1912. (760p.):55, 93
Elkanah Bobet (Edward). Born Dec. 15, 1665. Resided in Berkley. His lands were partly in Dighton as the town boundaries were then located. Died about 1735. Married June 25, 1689, Elizabeth Briggs, born 1672. Daughter of William and Sarah (Macomber) Briggs. Children:  (Bom in Berkley, Mass.) jC 21 Elkanah, April 22, 1690. 22 Damaris, June 18, 1691. Dorcas, Aug. 12, 1693. Married Ebenezer Harvey and had no children. 23 Hopestm, Sept. 11, 1695. 24 Elizabeth, b. March 6, 1698. Mercy, Dec. 30, 1699. Died young. 25 Josiah. 26 Benjamin. 27 Joseph. 28 Sarah.

Elkanah Bobet's will
, from "The Babbitt Family History 1623 - 1900" Will. Bradford Browne. Taunton, Ms, 1912. (760p.):55, 93
Feb. 14, 1711-1712, Elkanah Babbitt, Senior of Taunton, Husband- man, in consideration of parental love and affection for well-beloved son Elkanah Babbitt, husbandman, give said Elkanah, land lying on east side of dwelling house between that and the Island Road, so-called, about 100 acres. Adjoining Isaac Hathaway, Samuel Richmond and John Crane. Feb. 17, 1728-1729. Elkanah Babbitt of Taunton, yeoman. In con- sideration of love and natural affection which I bear my son, Josiah Bab- bitt of said Taimton, yeoman, deed him 1-3 part on the northeast comer of my homestead or farm. Feb. 17, 1728-1729. Elkanah Babbitt of Taunton, yeoman, in con- sideration of love and natural affection I bear my son Benjamin Babbitt of Tavmton, yeoman, deed him 1-3 part' on the westerly side of my home- stead or farm lying partly in Taunton and partly in Dighton, on each side of township line, about 47^ acres, (deed mentions the place where Elkanah Babbitt house formerly stood which was burnt.) WILL OF ELKANAH BABBIT. Bristol Co. Probate Records, Book 8, Page 316. "In ye name of God Amen, I Elkanah Babbit of Berkley in ye County of Briftol in ye province of ye Mafsachufets Bay in new England: Being of sound memory and difpofing mind through Divine Goodness: Do make this to be my Last will and teftament my foul I Commit to God in Christ my mercyfull faviour; my body to ye Earth by Deacent burial; the worldly Eftate that God hath Given me I difpofe of as followeth Imprimis To my fon Elkanah Babbit I have all Rady Given by Deed of Gift that part of my homeftead that Lately Belonged to ye township of Dighton whare my sd fon have allrady built an houfe whare he now dwels Ref- erence to f d deed being had more fully may appear and I Doe By thefe Presents Ratefy and Confirm fd Gift unto my fd fon his heirs and affigns for ever; fecondly to my other three fons namely Jofiah Babbit Benjamin Babbit Jofeph Bab- bit; I have all Rady Given by Deeds of Gift my homeftead to be equally Divided between them my three younger fons Containing to Each of them about fourty five acres apeace more of Les to my fd fon Jofiah ye north eaft part of my homeftead to my fd fon Benjamin one third part being ye northweft part of my homeftead and I Do hearby Confirm f d Gift to them and their heirs and affigns for ever and to my younger fon Jofeph Babbit one third part of my homeftead being ye fouth Eaft fide thare of whare my Dwelling houfe now ftands to him my fd fon Jofeph I have Given him his third part by a Deed intailed and I Doe hear by Ratefie and Confirm fd Deed of Gift with that intail; viz: to my fd fon Jofeph Dureing his natural Life and after him to ye heirs begotten by ye body of my fd fon Jofeph; I Give to my three fons Laft mentioned to wit jofiah Benjamin and Jofeph my whole Right or fhear in ye bare fwamp and to their heirs and affigns for Ever to be Equally Divided between them; and I allfo Give unto my fd fon Jofeph one Cow and one heafer and my mare and Cart and wheels and one bed and beding and one Iron pot; which fd moveables above men- tioned are not to come into ye hands of my fd fon Jofeph untill after ye Deceaf of my wife; and I Doe hear by thefe preafants Conftitute and appoint James Phillips and Ger- fhom Crane Both of fd Berkley as over fears of my fd fon Jofeph in all Confearns Rael and personal and that my fd fon Jofeph shall not Difpofe of any thing to him conveyed with out ye advife and Cofent of fd over feers; and to my beloved wife Elizabeth I Give ye Improvement of all my moveables Dureing her natural Life and to her Difpofe all Excepting what my Executors hearafter mentioned fhal have accation o fye Difpofal of to pay Legaces Given to my Daughters hear after mentioned and for ye payment of my Juft Debts and funeral Charges that I Referve out of my moveables for my Executors to Improve and Dispofe of as aforefd I Give unto my five Daughters namely Damaris Hathway wife of Ifaac Hathway Dorcus Harvey wife of Ebenezer Harvey hopestill Phillips wife of James Phillips Elizabeth HoUoway wife of malachy HoUoway farah Briggs wife of David Briggs J
unr to Each of them I have Given and they have all Rady Reed formerly Each of them a bed and Beding and fome other things and It is to be Remembered that my Daughter Dorcus Reed a bed and beding and fum Other things of me before her marriage: I allfo Give to my five Daughters afore mentioned Demaris Dorcus hopestill Elizabeth farah  fourty fhillings apeace to be paid by my Executors hearafter  mentioned unto Each of my Daughters afore mentioned which fd fum of fourty fhillings is to paid unto my Daughters after ye Deceaf of my vdfe further my will is If any of my moveable Eftate Remains unfpent or not Difpofed of by my wife as afore fd Excepting what my Executors fhall Improve for ye payment of my Juft Debts and Legaces afore fd; fhall after ye Deceaf of my wife be Equally Divided between my fd five Daughters: I allfo Give unto my beloved wife ye im provement of my Dwelling houfe Dureing my widdow It if to be underftood that my fd wifes maintenance Dureing her natural Life or Dure- ing my widdow is to be provided for out of ye ufe and Im- provement of my homeftead ye whole of It: Laftly I ap- point my two Eldeft fons namely Elkanah and Jofiah to be Joynt Executors of this my Laft will and teftament Intef- tamony hear of I ye fd Elkanah Babbit have hear unto fet my hand and feal this twenty fecond day of December in ye ninth year of ye Reign of our foverigne Lord King George ye fecond over Grate Brittain &c annoqud in one thoufand feven hundred and thirty five 1735. figned fealed and Declared to be his Laft will and teftament In preafants of us Abial atwood (Signed) Elkanah Bobbitt. Israel Briggs John Crane."
Elizabeth Macomber BRIGGS
14 Mar 1671
Taunton, Bristol, Massachusetts
Babbitt family history
                   I also have a 1672 birthdate. I used Karen's.
22 Apr 1690
Taunton, Bristol, Massachusetts
1 Apr 1754
Berkeley, Bristol, Massachusetts
                   I also have this first name as Elkannah, and the last name as BABBIT.
I have him of Berkeley, MA.
18 Jun 1691
Berkley, Bristol, Massachusetts
11 Sep 1695
Taunton, Bristol, Massachusetts
Sep 1756
Bet, gujarat, INdia
31 Jan 1717
                   I had before the DNA.
12 Aug 1694
Berkley, Bristol, Massachusetts
Bet, gujarat, INdia
Elizabeth BABBITT
6 Mar 1698
Berkley, Bristol, Massachusetts
Mendenham, Morris, New Jersey
30 Dec 1699
Benjamin BABBITT
Taunton (or Berkley), Bristol, Massachusetts
Mar 1753
Bristol, Massachusetts
Berkley, Bristol, Massachusetts
8 Dec 1760
Nov 1710
Taunton (or Berkley), Bristol, Massachusetts
23 Mar 1798
Berkley, Bristol, Massachusetts
FamilyCentral Network
Elkanah Babbitt - Elizabeth Macomber Briggs

Elkanah Babbitt was born at Taunton, Bristol, Massachusetts 15 Dec 1665. His parents were Edward Babbit or Bobet and Sarah Tarne.

He married Elizabeth Macomber Briggs 25 Jun 1689 at Taunton, Bristol, Massachusetts . Elizabeth Macomber Briggs was born at Taunton, Bristol, Massachusetts 14 Mar 1671 daughter of William Briggs and Sarah Macomber .

They were the parents of 10 children:
Elkanah Babbitt born 22 Apr 1690.
Damaris Babbitt born 18 Jun 1691.
Hopestill Babbitt born 11 Sep 1695.
Dorcas Babbitt born 12 Aug 1694.
Elizabeth Babbitt born 6 Mar 1698.
Mercy Babbitt born 30 Dec 1699.
Benjamin Babbitt born 1702.
Joseph Babbitt born 1704.
Sarah Babbitt born Nov 1710.

Elkanah Babbitt died 22 Dec 1735 at Dighton, Bristol, Massachusetts .