Jonathan BOSWORTH, JR.

Hingham, Plymouth, Massachusetts
10 Jun 1717
Rehoboth, Bristol, Massachusetts
6 Jul 1661
Swansea, Bristol, Massachusetts
                   Land deed
3 Mar 1703 , Swansea, Bristol, Massachusetts
In presence of James Frankling Cornelius Salsbury Elizabeth Frankling March 3, 1702-3 Acknowledged by Jonathan Bozworth who personally appeared. The following deed by which Jonathan gave land to his son David, is so quaint and old fashion in its wording as to make it interesting, hence it is given entire: " To all People unto whom this present Deed of Gift Shall Come Jonathan Bosworth of the town of Swanzey in the County of Bristol in Province of the Massachusetts Bay in New England Sendeth Greeting: in our Lord God Everlasting Know Yee that I the sd Jonathan Bosworth for Divers Good Causes me hereunto Moveing but more Especially for the Great Love and Natural affection which I have & Do bear toward My truly and well Beloved son David Bosworth of the Town of Plimpton in the County of Plimouth in the Province aforesaid Carpenter have given Granted aliened Enfeoffed Conveyed & Confirmed and by these Pre­sents Do fully freely Clearly & Absolutely give grant Alien Enfeoffe Convey and Confirme unto him the sd David Bosworth his heirs and assigns forever: A Certain piece or parcel of Land Scittuate Lying & being Near a place Commonly Called & Known by the Name of Shuwo­mit within the Township of Swanzey aforesd Containing Twenty acres the bounds thereof Reference being had to the Town Book of Swanzey Land Records being laid out in the Last Division of Lands within the Township of Swanzey aforesd being Laid out in the Year One Thousand Six Hundred Ninety Nine Together with all and singular the Wood Underwood Timber Standing Lying or Growing thereon With all Stones Mines Mineralls Water Courses Herbage Grass feeding Rents Profits preveledges Rights Com­modities heridittants and appurtenances Whatsoever to the sd Land be­longing or in any Kind Appertaining or theirwith their used occupied and Enjoyed and also the Right Title Estate Interest Inheritance property Reversion Remainder Clame and Demand whatsoever of me the Giver and Granter my heirs and assigns of in and to all the above Granted premises, and Every part and parcel thereof TO HAVE AND TO HOLD all the sd Twenty acres of Land Together with all other the above Granted pre­mises and every part and percel theirof unto him the sd David Bosworth his heirs and assigns forever to the only proper use benefit and Behoofe of him the sd David Bosworth his heirs and assigns from henceforth and for­ever more and I the sd Jonathan Bosworth for myself my heirs Executors admrs & assigns Do hereby Covenant promise & grant to and with the sd David Bosworth his heirs and assigns in manner and forme following that is to say that at the time of the Ensealing untill the Delevery of these presents that I the sd Jonathan Bosworth Is the true sole And Lawfull owner of all the above granted premises and stand Lawfully seized theirof in my own proper Right of a good sure perfect & absolute Estate of In­heritance in Fee simple according to her Majesties Manner of East Greenwicth in the Cou nty of Kent within the Realm of England in free and Common Soccage* and not in Capite and Knights Service but without any manner of Condition Reversion or Limitation whatsoever so as to Alter Change Defeat or make Voide the same haveing in myself full power Good Right & Lawful Authority to Give Grant and assure the same in Manner & forme aforesd and that the sd David Bosworth his heirs and assigns Shall and may by force and Vertue of these presents from henceforth and forever hereafter Lawfully peceably & Quietly have hold use Occupy posses and Injoy all the above granted premises with their appurtenances thereof free Clear & Clearly Acquitted & fully Discharged of and from all & all manner of former and other Gifts Grants Bargaines Sales Leases Mortgages joyntures Dower Judgment Execution Entayles Forfetures and of and from all other titles Troubles Charges & Incumberances whatsoever In Witness whereof I the sd Jonathan Bosworth hath hereunto set to my hand & seal this Tenth day of May one Thousand seven hundred and eight and in the seventh year of the Reign of our Sovereign Lady Anne Queen of England Signum Si
gned Sealed & Delivered Jonathan J bozworth In the presence of us byJ ohn West ) Bristol SS June 10th 1717 then appeared John West & Joseph Mason Jos eph Mason ) two of the witnesses to the within written Instrument & made oath Joh n Thomas ) (in perpatuam Rei Memoriam) that they were present & saw Jonathan Bosworth Sign Seal & Deliver the same as his act and Deed & that John Thomas signed with them as a wit­ness. Entered June 10, 1717 Attest E. Brenton Cler." From the above it may be seen that Jonathan Bosworth, Jr. died sometime between May 10, 1708, and June 10, 1717; probably nearer to the latter date, when he was about 80 years of age.
Hingham, Plymouth, Massachusetts
Swansea, Bristol, Massachusetts
5 Nov 1663
Swansea, Bristol, Massachusetts
31 Jul 1723
Providence, Providence, Rhode Island
4 Nov 1686
                   I had Hannah in my files before the DNA, but I didn't have her parents, or any other relative.

Hannah Howland Bosworth
Birth: 	1637 Plymouth Plymouth County Massachusetts, USA
Death: 	unknown
   Birth date is approximate. She died after 1687.  Daughter of Mayflower passenger John Howland and Elizabeth Tilley Howland.  Children: Mercy Bosworth, Hannah Bosworth Jencks , Elizabeth Bosworth, Jonathan Bosworth, David Bosworth(whose first wife was Mercy Sturtevant Bosworth ), John Bosworth, Jabez Bosworth, Ichabod Bosworth , an infant son, and Jonathan Bosworth III.    Family links:  Parents: John Howland (1591 - 1673)  Elizabeth Tilley Howland (1607 - 1687)   Spouse: Jonathan Bosworth (1636 - 1717) *  Children: Hannah Bosworth Jencks (1663 - 1722) * Ichabod Bosworth (1676 - ____) *  * Reverse Relationships:" boBDY="This relationship was not directly added to this memorial. Rather, it is calculated based on information added to the related person's memorial. For example: if Joe Public is linked to Jane Public as a spouse, a reciprocal link will automatically be added to Jane Public's memorial.  " boCSSBDY boCSSHDR IEbugfix="false" fixX="NaN" fixY="NaN" absX="NaN" absY="NaN" offY="10" offX="10" fade="true" fadespeed=".09" delay="0" windowLock="true"Calculated relationship

Burial: Unknown
30 May 1662
Swansea, Bristol, Massachusetts
Elizabeth BOSWORTH
6 Jun 1665
Swansea, Bristol, Massachusetts
31 Jul 1676
Swansea, Bristol, Massachusetts
24 Dec 1666
Swansea, Bristol, Massachusetts
16 Jul 1676
Swansea, Bristol, Massachusetts
15 Sep 1670
Swansea, Bristol, Massachusetts
12 Jun 1747
Halifax. Plymouth, Massachusetts
6 Apr 1671
Swansea, Bristol, Massachusetts
20 Sep 1719
Barrington, Bristol, Rhode Island
16 Jun 1702
Swansea, Bristol, Massachusett 
14 Feb 1673
Swansea, Bristol, Massachusetts
21 Sep 1747
Rehoboth, Bristol, Massachusetts
Stillborn BOSWORTH
22 Jun 1678
Swansea, Bristol, Massachusetts
22 Jun 1678
22 Sep 1680
Swansea, Bristol, Massachusetts
17 Feb 1759
Rehoboth, Bristol, Massachusetts
FamilyCentral Network
Jonathan Bosworth, Jr. - Hannah Howland

Jonathan Bosworth, Jr. was born at Hingham, Plymouth, Massachusetts 1636. His parents were Jonathan Bosworth and Elizabeth Bellamy.

He married Hannah Howland 6 Jul 1661 at Swansea, Bristol, Massachusetts . Hannah Howland was born at Hingham, Plymouth, Massachusetts 1637 daughter of John Howland and Elizabeth Tilley .

They were the parents of 9 children:
Hannah Howland Bosworth born 5 Nov 1663.
Mercy Bosworth born 30 May 1662.
Elizabeth Bosworth born 6 Jun 1665.
Jonathan Bosworth born 24 Dec 1666.
David Bosworth born 15 Sep 1670.
John Bosworth born 6 Apr 1671.
Jabez Bosworth born 14 Feb 1673.
Stillborn Bosworth born 22 Jun 1678.
Jonathan Bosworth born 22 Sep 1680.

Jonathan Bosworth, Jr. died 10 Jun 1717 at Rehoboth, Bristol, Massachusetts .

Hannah Howland died 1687 at Swansea, Bristol, Massachusetts .