7 Sep 1785
26 Dec 1862
Ontario, Canada
Lynnville Cemetery, Norfolk Co. Windham Twp.Ontario Canada
Abt 1817
Ontario, Canada
Hilliker Family Tree,etc
Descendants of Benjamin Hilliker
Descendants of Benjamin Hilliker
                   BIOGRAPHY - H. Crysler Hilliker notes found in Eva Brook Donly Museum, 109 Norfolk St. South, Simcoe, Ontario, Canada N3Y 2W3
     There is a record for Ben Hilliker with Mary at Norwich cemetery but no stone or inscription for him in cemetery records, so he probably is buried in Lynnville.
      He married Mary Beadle of Poughkeepsie, New York. A stone on the Norwich cemetery for "Mary, wife of Benjamin" says she died Jun 8 1817 at 51. If she is the wife of this Benjamin, she is 20 years older than her husband.
      At this point Carson speculates on the mother of Benjamin's children after 1817 and before 1836. Benjamin did have another wife as Throckmorton records the death of Benjamin Hilliker's wife" in June 1835 and her burial on June 9.
      Then Benjamin married Charlotte probably Charlotte Pitcher nee Cunningham. She was born in Tarrytown in about 1799 She married Benjamin in 1836 after the death of her first husband, Alva B. Pitcher of Queensbury Twp. Warren Co., New York State. She had two sons with her, Archibald and Seneca Pitcher, born in Warren County. Seneca was believed to operate the saw mill before coming into Norwich as a store clerk and later a storekeeper. (There are many references to Seneca in "Amelia  Poldon's History of the Norwiches" and Charlotte's stone records her as Charlotte Hilliker, the mother of Seneca Pitcher).
      Benjamin arrived between 1816 and 1819 in Canada since Phebe was born in the US and John was his first child born in Canada. The Mary in Norwich cemetery is probably Benjamin's wife as she died in 1817 although cemetery records have the stone transcribed as 1811 and her death at age 72.
     Benjamin inherited the mill and farm Lot 2 Concession 5 from his father, William. In 1846 Behjamin sold his land to David McDowell of Windham Twp. for pounds 750. Charlotte sold her dower rights for 5 sh (Oxford Registry Office Document 6703). Benjamin and his wife moved to Windham in North Norwich as noted in the 1871 census. It is interesting that she had her birthplace originally written as America and that was crossed out and Tarrytown written above.  She died Jan 8, 1876 and is buried in Norwich.
     In the history of the Norwich Gore church there is mention of the Episcopal Methodists meeting at the home of Benjamin Hilliker in 1834. In 1859 it was decided that a church needed to be built and original members of the Norwich Gore Episcopal Methodists are listed and include Benjamin and his son, William.  The William Barnes diary has several referecne to going to meeting at Benjamin Hilliker's house. He also tells about going to the mill to grind wheat. On March 19, 1836 he had to fix the shaft of Hilliker's mill "dam went off" and June 27 he "made a gate and planked the floom." Again on Sept 3 he fixed the sawmill floom. He also records visits to and from Giles and a visit from Egbert and his wife Frances Jacobs. William also "cased a door" and shingled Benjamin's barn with boards.  He records the marriage of Mima Hilliker.
      Two entries unrelated to the Hillikers caught my interest.  he records his calf being killed and eaten by wolves and also spent one day corking his house with moss.
      Benjamin's grave marker in Lynnville has a four line poem. The last two lines are:
        The debt is paid, my soul is free
        Prepare in time to follow me
Mrs. Benjamin HILLIKER
Jun 1835
Norwich, Ontario, Canada
Hilliker Family Tree
Ontario, Canada
13 May 1901
Ontario, Canada
Abt 1855
Ontario, Canada 
                   BIOGRAPHY - H. Crysler Hilliker notes found in Eva Brook Donly Museum, 109 Norfolk St. South, Simcoe, Ontario, Canada N3Y 2W3
      John D. was the first child of Benjamin born in Canada and his wife was Catherine b 1832 d July 21 1896 [grave marker says at age of 64 years 11 months]. This may have been Catherine Griffin listed as living with Benjamin Hilliker's family in 1851.  A Mrs. Griffin probably her mother, is listed in the same house in 1861 census. If she is this would be Sarah, Mrs. Joseph Griffin b Feb 10 1787 d sept 6 1875. [Sarah is noted on the large grave marker with John D. Catherine, John B and Phoebe and Elisha in Lynnville. Marriage records show Catherine Hilliker married William Griffin Feb 15, 1849 and Harriet Ann Hilliker married Joseph Griffin Mar 15 1849. I have yet found no furhter references to Harriet Ann.

A report in the Simcoe Ref of Thursday May 23, 1901, gives this account of John D. Hilliker's death - "Mr. John Hilliker died at his home in Yale, Michigan on Tuesday of last week, and the remains were brought here for interment. The funeral took place from the residence of Mr. Thomas Hambly on Friday afternoon and was largely attended. Rev. W Haviland had charge of the service which was held at the Baptist Church. The only son, James and his wife attended the body here from Michigan. Deceased was a highly respected resident of this place for many years."
Jul 1822
Norwich, Ontario, Canada
13 Apr 1865
25 Jun 1848
                   BIOGRAPHY - H. Crysler Hilliker notes found in Eva Brook Donly Museum, 109 Norfolk St. South, Simcoe, Ontario, Canada N3Y 2W3
      Elisha married Phoebe Elias Wood June 25, 1848. [1851 has them both married]. Both are buried in Lynnville Cemetery.  After the death of Elisha, Phoebe married Christopher Hall at Woodhouse Apr 29 1866 and helped raise his three sons.  Phoebe's obituary tells of an extended illness at the end of her life when she called upon family members one at a time to talk to her. It also mentions her strong will in raising Ida alone after Elisha's death and her becoming step mother to Christopher's three sons.
17 Apr 1825
of Windham Twp., Norfolk Co., Ontario, Canada
14 Feb 1878
Windham Twp. Oxford Co. Ontario, Canada
15 Feb 1849
Windham Twp, Norfolk, Ontario, 
                   BIOGRAPHY - H. Crysler Hilliker notes found in Eva Brook Donly Museum, 109 Norfolk St. South, Simcoe, Ontario, Canada N3Y 2W3
      Catherine's grave marker has the inscription:
         Yet again we hope to meet thee
         When the Joy of life is ______
         There in heaven with joy to greet thee.
Catherine is buried in Lynnville.
Norwich, Ontario, Canada
                   BIOGRAPHY - H. Crysler Hilliker notes found in Eva Brook Donly Museum, 109 Norfolk St. South, Simcoe, Ontario, Canada N3Y 2W3
      Adeline was married at the time of Benjamin's will. Her daughter Nancy was living with Benjamin in 1861.
FamilyCentral Network
Benjamin Hilliker - Mrs. Benjamin Hilliker

Benjamin Hilliker was born at Usa 7 Sep 1785.

He married Mrs. Benjamin Hilliker Abt 1817 at Ontario, Canada .

They were the parents of 5 children:
Hilliker John D. born 1819.
Elisha Hilliker born Jul 1822.
Catherine Hilliker born 17 Apr 1825.
Thomas Hilliker born 1830.

Benjamin Hilliker died 26 Dec 1862 at Ontario, Canada .

Mrs. Benjamin Hilliker died Jun 1835 at Norwich, Ontario, Canada .