24 Feb 1760
Lochaline, Morvern, Lockaber, Scotland
19 Feb 1848
Wallace City, Chester, Pennsylvania
Abt 1791
Lochaline, Morvern, Lockaber, Scotland
Sources:, Sept 2011
1840 Census - Brandywine, Chester, PA, Pg. 26
Ancestral File - Version 4.19
Pedigree Resource File
    Robert's will and other documents can be found in his PAF notes.

    Robert Harris was born 14 February 1760 in Locklein, Scotland (name is probably misspelled as a hunt in Scotland found no such name. More research needs to be done).
Robert was a very strong Presbyterian. He was quite wealthy owning a lot of land, a forest behind his beautiful 3 story brick home facing a river and a lake called Marsh Lake. His estate is now Marsh Creek Park. The foundation of the house remains at this time.
He applied for citizenship. A file card reads as follows: Robert Harris, native of Great Britain and Ireland; in U.S. between 6.18.1798 and a4.14.1802; resided in same 5 years and upwards and in Pennsylvania 1 year; renounced Great Britain and Ireland and took oath in August term of 1809. His citizenship papers read as follows:
ROBERT HARRIS, a native of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland presented his petition setting forth that he was residing within the limits and under the jurisdiction of the United States between the 18 day of June 1798 and the 14 day of April 1802 and that he has resided in the same for five years last past and within the state of Pennsylvania for one year last past that he has not born any hereditary title or been of any of the orders of nobility there or elsewhere praying that on his making the proofs and taking the oaths prescribed that he may be admitted a citizen of the United States of America. Satisfactory proof being made here in open court that the facts contained in the petition above set forth are true and if appearing to the satisfaction of the same court that during the same time he has behaved of and as a man of good moral character attached to the principals of the Constitution of the United States, that he doth renounce and relinquish any title or order of nobility to which he is or maybe thereafter entitled and that he doth absolutely and entirely renounce any or all allegiance and fidelity to any foreign prince potentate state and sovereignty whatever and particularly to the king of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland to whom he was here-to-fore a subject he is therefore admitted a citizen of the United States.
At a Court of Common Pleas held at West Chester for the County of Chester on the last Monday of October 1809 before the Honorable Bird Wilson Esquire and his associate judge present and from thence continued by adjournment until the fourth of November next following.
Robert was very upset when Agnes joined the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints in 1840. When he made his will in 1842 he cut her out of it except for the sum of $10.00 as he considered Mormonism a delusion. His feelings regarding this matter must have been very hard on him and Agnes as well. When she left for Nauvoo, she never saw her father again. He died 19 February 1846.
When Eva Sessions Perakis and Janice Magistri went to Chester to search his genealogy, they had a very spiritual experience. Before leaving a sudden storm came up in Philadelphia and Janice had to take the children to school because the storm caused the school buses to be cancelled. This delayed our trip by about an hour.
When we arrived in Chester, Eva searched records and did not find anything more than the researcher she had hired. Eva was looking for Jane's maiden name. Then they went to see if Robert Harris home was still in existence. When they asked at the records department they told her they didn't know where the records were because of being so old. Just then a man walked into the building and the clerk said, "he is a surveyor, if anyone would know it would be him." The surveyor told us that he knew where they were located and went to look for them. When he came back he was actually pulling his hair and kept saying, "I don't believe it, I don't believe it" His great Grandmother was a daughter of Robert Harris. She was Rachel and married William Gutherie. The surveyor had purchased the land. He knew where Robert was buried and his wife Jane, but did not know her maiden name. He knew where the house used to be and gave us the directions for both. He told us the foundation was still there. If that storm had not come we would never have met this man. We found the graves and the foundation and saw the forest, the river and the lake. It was beautiful.
Another item of interest --- when we went to the cemetery to look for his grave it down poured rain and we had to run to the car. It didn't let up so we went home. We went back the next day and did find his grave. It was almost like he was upset with us, too. But we fooled him. We persevered.
Chester County Courthouse, West Chester, PA Register of Wills
Will Index
Robert Harris Place of Residence - West Nantmeal letters Granted - 3/6/1847Letters Granted to - David Harris & James ToddInventory Filed - 3/6/1847Date of Filing Account - 7/27/1849No. of Papers - 11086Will Book - 19Page - 171
Will Book 19, Page 171
Robert Harris of the Township of West Nantmeal, County of Chester and State of Pennsylvania, Yeoman ---- Farm where he lived on Barren Hill in said township, real estate to be sold within 2 years and proceeds to be applied as follows:
To 4 children of deceased daughter Sarah (late wife of Samuel Rea) who died in state of Ohio $900 to be divided between them at age 21. Gives details of how the money was to be handled until they came of age.
Then I give and bequeath that my daughter Elizabeth, wife of James Bones, the use and life estate in her or proper person, all my message and lot or tract of land wherein she now resides with her husband in the township of Brandywine and County of Chester which I purchased at Sherriff's Sale as the property of William Chrisman and Containing 50 acres and after her death land goes to her children or other heirs which may survive her as tenants in common.
To my daughter, Agnes, wife of Jacob Baum, $10, believing as I do that any greater sum would be squandered in maintaining what I consider a perfect delusion, for as such I consider the doctrines and practices of Mormonism.
I give and bequeath to ~ Charlotte Harris $200, the same to be payed to her out of the share hereby bequeathed to John Harris.
Item - Remainder share and share alike between the following of my children:
John, Robert and David Harris - Janet, wife of James Todd, and Rachel, wife of William Guthrie, excepting as above stated regarding the share of John Harris. And last I nominate and appoint David Harris and James Todd Executors.
Dated February 9, 1842
Witnessed by Andrew Buchanan and ~organ J. Thomas
Recorded May 24th 1804
Robert Harris et ux This INDENTURE made the 2nd day of April in the Year to __________of Our Lord 1804 between Robert Harris of West
George Walleigh Nantmeal in the County of Chester in the Common-wealth of Pennsylvania, yeoman and Jane, his wife, of the one part and George Walleigh of East Nantmeal Township in the aforesaid county, yeoman, of the other part. Whereas James M. Cochran in and by a certain indenture bearing date the 6th day of October AD 1802 recorded in the Recorder's Office for Chester County aforesaid in Book W2 Vol. 45 page 180 (?) granted and conveyed unto the said Robert Harris fee simple a Plantation tract of land situate in West Nantmeal Township aforesaid CONTAINING 217 acres and the usual allowances for roads. To- _________________________
28 Sep 1769
Agyll, Scotland
28 Dec 1841
Brandywine, Chester, Pennsylvania
Lochaline, Morvern, Lockaber, Scotland
14 Dec 1852
24 May 1810
Chester, Pennsylvania 
6 Oct 1793
Lochaline, Morvern, Lockaber, Scotland
11 Sep 1846
Council Bluffs, Pottowatamie, Iowa
12 Oct 1826
Brandywine Manor, Chester, Pen 
                   NOTE:Agnes Nancy Harris was born 24 September, 1794, in Locklein, Scotland. She had an adopted brother, Haslop Harris, and the following brothers and sisters: Janet, John, Jane, Elizabeth, William, David, Robert and Rachel.
Her parents and the two girls came to America and settled in Brandywine, Pennsylvania. Her father was very wealthy and they lived in a 3 story brick home, with forest behind and a river and small lake in front. The house had a long porch which overlooked the lake. It was a very beautiful home but all that is left now is the foundation of the house. The forest is still there and the lake is now Marsh Lake which is part of the state park called Marsh Creek Park. (You can drive on Creek Road Hy 282 and turn on Lyndell Rd. to find the Park.)
The family was strong Presbyterians. Agnes Nancy married Jacob Baum, of German decent on 12 October 1826, in Brandywine Maner, Chester Co., Pennsylvania. He was also a well to do farmer, a professional weaver of material and beautiful bedspreads.
They had the following children all born in Brandywine, Pennsylvania:
Ellen was born 9 June 1829 and died the same day.Jacob was born 30 December 1830. (He only lived until August of 1833. A note in Jacob Baum's temple book indicate that he ate some poisonous berries that caused his death. Great sorrow filled the household because of his death.)Jane was born 2 July 1832.Elizabeth was born 27 January 1834.Jacob Harris was born 29 May 1836. (Jacob and Agnes felt this son was to help fill the void of their first sons loss. After careful consideration, they named him the same name except added Harris.)Janet Rachel was born 17 July 1837.
Jacob had to have his breakfast before daylight, then he would rest an hour before work. While the family was at breakfast he read a chapter from the Bible each morning. He then gave thanks and a blessing on the food before he ate. Only the Bible could be read on the Sabbath, as it was a sacred day.
Agnes was a fine flax spinner and weaver and she was expert with needle and crochet hook.
In 1839 Jacob joined the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. Agnes was baptized into the church 12 February 1840. There was a lot of persecution against the Mormons as the members of this church were called. Jacob and Agnes decided to sell all they had, their home, farm, everything and go to Nauvoo to live with the Saints. They did this in 1841.
Her father was very upset with Agnes joining this new church and when he drew up his will on the 9th day of February 1842, disinheriting her with the following statement, "I give and bequeath to my daughter Agnes, wife of Jacob Baum, ten dollars, believing as I do that any greater sum would be squandered in maintaining what I consider a perfect delusion, for as such I consider the doctrines and practices of Mormonism." He bequeathed to his other children, grandchildren and wife his large estate and holdings. Agnes must have felt bad but she told her family, "I would rather have the truth and my testimony than all his wealth. (His will is at the Court House in West Chester, Pennsylvania, dated February 9, 1842 and proved March 6, 1847.
She knew the prophet Joseph Smith well, and Emma, his wife. When he was killed, Jacob and Agnes took their family with them to the Mansion House where Joseph's and Hyrum's bodies lay. They and their children wept at the bier of their beloved prophet. They were also at the meeting when Sidney Rigdon, a counselor to the prophet asked for the people to vote him as the new president of the church. Brigham Young rose to speak and as he spoke in humility his voice sounded like the prophets and some who were there said, "Joseph has come back again." Others saw the mantle of the prophet fall on Brigham Young and they knew he was the chosen one of God to lead his people. Joseph had already been taught by God that the twelve apostles would lead the church with the President of the twelve conducting until such time as a new president should be selected by them through prayer and revelation and then voted on by the people. The experience at the meeting confirmed to everyone that God had indeed chosen Brigham Young to lead the people.
Persecution followed. Houses and fields were burned, and finally an extermination order was given that all must leave Nauvoo. Once again, they packed their wagons, leaving many things behind that could not be taken and left for the unknown west, with a prayer in their hearts that God would lead them to Zion where they could live in peace and happiness.
On May 16, 1846, they went to Madison and crossed the Mississippi River and started on the trek through Iowa.
Jacob was chosen to establish the Garden Grove Land Mark and oversee the planting of crops and vegetables, building temporary homes, barns, fences, and seeing that food was sufficient. Agnes became ill and did not seem to improve. They finally left for Council Bluff, Iowa. She was not well on the journey and died 11 September 1846 at Council Bluff and is buried there.
This beautiful woman sacrificed everything she had to serve the Lord. Her family disinherited her, she left good homes to live in small cabins etc., she struggled to raise her children under hardships, she gave her life for the gospel of Jesus Christ. God blessed her husband and children, they were faithful and grew up to honor her name and also to live the gospel. May her name forever be blessed
Lochaline, Morvern, Lockaber, Scotland
3 Mar 1876
Lochaline, Morvern, Lockaber, Scotland
23 Oct 1827
15 Jan 1803
Lochaline, Morvern, Lockaber, Scotland
15 Jan 1848
William HARRIS
Lochaline, Morvern, Lockaber, Scotland
27 Sep 1827
27 Oct 1806
Lochaline, Morvern, Lockaber, Scotland
10 Jan 1889
9 Sep 1809
Lochaline, Morvern, Lockaber, Scotland
2 Sep 1882
9 Sep 1812
Lochaline, Morvern, Lockaber, Scotland
29 Jul 1856
FamilyCentral Network
Robert Harris - Jane Orton

Robert Harris was born at Lochaline, Morvern, Lockaber, Scotland 24 Feb 1760.

He married Jane Orton Abt 1791 at Lochaline, Morvern, Lockaber, Scotland . Jane Orton was born at Agyll, Scotland 28 Sep 1769 .

They were the parents of 9 children:
Janet Harris born 1792.
Agnes Nancy Harris born 6 Oct 1793.
John Harris born 1796.
Jane Harris born 1800.
Elizabeth Harris born 15 Jan 1803.
William Harris born 1805.
Robert Harris born 27 Oct 1806.
David Harris born 9 Sep 1809.
Rachel Harris born 9 Sep 1812.

Robert Harris died 19 Feb 1848 at Wallace City, Chester, Pennsylvania .

Jane Orton died 28 Dec 1841 at Brandywine, Chester, Pennsylvania .