Barnet GRAFF

10 Oct 1818
6 Jun 1871
Saint John's Lutheran Church, Abbottstown, Adams, Pennsylvania
Adams County Historical Society Card files
1850 census
                   I photographed the headstone. He is buried with Susan and Tolbert, at the back of the area behind the church.
Headstone says 52- 7- 27.

1850 - he is mentioned as Barney Grass??? There is Susan (aged 20), Prudence, Tolbert and Otilia.
1860 - he is listed as Barney Grafe - he was a Day Laborer. Ottila was the oldest, Tolbert was with Henry and Francis. They seemed to farm their kids out??? They are all over everywhere.
1870 - Graeff, Barnet -

Death noted in the Compiler, 23 Jun.
Mentioned as Barney in some church records.
Susanna STOVER
1 Jan 1828
23 Dec 1918
New Oxford, Adams, Pennsylvania
27 Dec 1918
Saint John's Lutheran Church, Abbottstown, Adams, Pennsylvania
1850 census
1880 Census
                   1880 census has her as head of household, she was listed as Susan. Clara was there (she should have been listed as Maul - she was married in 1879, as was Uriah,and a 4 month old female named Dora - Clara's oldest daughter. She was living in Paradise Township at the time. Dora is Clara's  kid.
According to the 1880 census, her parents were born in PA.
1900 census she was in Paradise. Looks like she was living alone, although maybenext to Pierce. It stated that she had 6 kids, 5 (Actually it might be a  6) ofwhom were alive at that time. It also stated that she was born in Jan 1830

Something weird here. 1900 census stated she had only 6 kids, yet we have all ofthese kids. Dora (a granddaughter was with her also during a census, and they had her listed as a daughter. Could some of these last kids be grandkids?? Might we have some skeletons in the closet?? She would have been pretty old when they were born.

Listed as Susan in the appraisement of her deceased husbands estate.

She is buried away from the rest of the Graffs. Her headstone stated wife of Barnet.

Ottila's obituary confirms that her maiden name was Stover.

Gettysburg Compiler:  28 Dec 1918:   Mrs. Susan Graff, widow of Barney Graff, died Monday night at the home of her daughter, Mrs. William Sheely of New Oxford, aged 90 years. She is survived by the following children: Mrs. William Sheely, of New Oxford; Mrs. William Maul, of NV; Mrs, Jane Sourbeer, of Kansas; Mrs. KateRebert, of Hanover; Mrs. Alvin Sunday , of Farmers, York County; Miss Otilla Graff, of York; Uriah Graff, of West York; and Pierce Graff, of Abbottstown. The funeral was held Friday and interment made in the Abbottstown Cemetery.

New Oxford Item: After an illness of several weeks from infirmities due to advanced age, Mrs. Susan Graff died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Wm. F. Sheely, Lincoln Way, East, at 12:15 o'clock on Monday night. Deceased was the widow of Barnet Graff who died 48 years ago, and had she lived until Jan 1st, would have been 90 years old. The deceased spent most of her life on a small property along the Lincoln Highway, just east of Abbottstown Her maiden name was Susan Stover and she was the last member of the family. Surviving are the following children: Mrs. W.E. Maul, Carlin, NV; Mrs. A.M. Sourbeer, of Parsons, KA; Mrs. Jonas Rebert, of Hanover; Miss Lille Graff, of York; Mrs. Albert Sunday, of Farmers, York county; Mrs. William F. Sheely, of New Oxford; Pierce Graff, of near Abbottstown;and Uriah Graff, of York.
The funeral willl be held from the Sheely home at 1:30 o'clock on Friday afternoon. Services being held at the house after which interment will be made in the Abbottstown cemetery, the Rev. F.C. Sternat, officiating.
Jul 1845
19 Sep 1930
near Farmers, York, Pennsylvania
Abt 1869
                   She is married to Albert Sunday, in the 1900 census, she had 5 children, only 2 of whom were alive. Curtis was with them. She was born in Jul 1845. She had beenmarried for 31 years.

She is mentioned in her mothers obit as married to Alvin Sunday. They lived in Farmers, York county in 1918.

Headstone at Holzschwamm said: Prudence, wife of Albert; 1845 - 1930
Tolbert GRAFF
30 Apr 1847
8 Feb 1867
                   I put the birthplace on for Temple Ready.
In the 1860 census he was living with Henry and Francis. Listed as Talberth Grafe.
1870 census he was living with his grandparents, Henry and Francis.
I have photographed the headstone. The headstone stated that he was 19 - 9 -9.
The headstone also stated that he was the son of Barnet and Susanna. F 8, 1867.
Ottila GRAFF
19 Oct 1848
7 Oct 1937
New Oxford, Adams, Pennsylvania
                   From the census I got the birthdate of Aug 1849.
Noted in the 1860 census. 1860 census says that she was deaf and dumb.
1870 -  stated she was deaf and dumb.
1900 census, she was with her brother Howard. She couldn't read or write, or speak English.
She possibly could have been the Matilda that was with Prudence in 1880.

9 Oct 1937 Gettysburg Compiler "Miss Ottila Graff, 88, died Thursday morning at the home of her sister. Mrs. Ida Sheely, New Oxford.
She was a daughter of the late Barnett and Susan Stover Graff and was born October 19, 1848.
Surviving are the following sisters and brother. Mrs. Ida Sheely, with whom she resided; Mrs. Clara Maul, Carlin, NV; Uriah Graff, York; and Mrs. Jones Rebert, Hanover.
Funeral Services Sunday afternoon at the home at 2 o.clock, with the Rev, HowardE. Sheely, pastor of the New Oxford Reformed Church charge, officiating. Interment in the Lutheran cemetery, Abbottstown.
Oct 1850
                   Noted as 9 years old in the 1860 census.

1870 - married and living in St. Joseph, Buchanan, Missouri. She was Jennie.
1880 census she was in Parson, Labette, KA, with her husband. She was Jennie.
1900 - in Parsons. Name was Jennie. Also had C.  Said she had 4 children, 3 living.
1910 - living with family in Parson. She had 4 children, 3 who were living in 1910.
1917 ish - she was listed on Frank's draft registration card. She lived at 621 N17th Parsons, Labette, KA.
1920 - C came from this census. She was a widow living in Parsons. Minnie was with her.
1925 - living in Kiowa, Valley, KA. Living with Minnie.
1952 - she was not alive. Only Katie survived of the family.
Mentioned as Jane Sourbeer, of Kansas in her mothers obit in 1918.  Lived in Parson, KA in 1915.

Not mentioned in Uriah's obit in 1944.

Obit - New Oxford Item: 25 Feb 1915 - she is listed as wife of Ambrose McElroy Sourbeer.
4 Apr 1852
Abbottstown, Adams, Pennsylvania
8 Feb 1937
                   1870 - he was a hireling at Soloman Maul's nbext door. Listed as Frank. O.
Went by Pierce F. Was a blacksmith in 1880. He was living in Paradise Township. Listed in the 1880 census as Pierce, next door to his  mother.
He had at least 2 grandsons who lived with him during various census. Richard Resh, born about 1912 (in the 1920 census), and William Resh, who was born about 1903, who was in the 1910 Census. They were all born in PA.
1900 census he was living in Paradise. Joanna, William and Katie are with him. He was a blacksmith.
I have photographed his grave. His wife, daughter and other grandson are with him.
He was living with Soloman Maul as a Hireling during the 1870 census.
1913 - he sold his blacksmith stand and dwellling in Paradise to Mathias Grim. Aug.
1915 he was living in Abbottstown. (Howard's obit)  He was called Pierce.
1918 he was living in Abbottstown.
1920 - had sold his home to Rev. and Mrs. Lau. It was one mile east of Abbottstown.
1930 - living in York with William.

Obit: The Gettysburg Times 9 Feb 1937
F. Pierce Graff, 84, who for many years conducted a blacksmith shop along the Lincoln Highway, west of York, died Monday morning. Death was caused by a combination of diseases, following a lingering illness. Surviving are a son, William Graff, York; a brother Uriah, West York and 4 sisters.

Guests at Pierce's 78th birthday in 1930: Mrs. Minnie Lerew, of Michigan; Mrs. Ida Sheely, New Oxford; Mrs. Belle Ziegler, Mr. and Mrs. Noah Ness, Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Altland. George Sterner, the Misses Tillie Graff, Grace Graff and LouisaWinand, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Graff and children, Donald, Frances and Dorothea, Mr. and Mrs WIlliam Graff and son     Harold??  Mrs. Stoner, the Misses Pauline Stoner and Grace Stoner and Cleveland Zimmerman, of York.
Granville GRAFF
22 Jun 1853
Abbottstown, Adams, Pennsylvania
11 Sep 1853
Abbottstown, Adams, Pennsylvania
                   His records are at St. Johns Lutheran. His sponser at his baptism was Frena Graef.
5 Nov 1854
Abbottstown, Adams, Pennsylvania
5 Feb 1915
York, York, Pennsylvania
13 Oct 1878
of Pennsylvania 
                   Seems to have gone by Howard. Howard always appears first even though it was originally Henry Howard.
1870 - he was a hireling with his brother at Soloman Maul's next door to his family.
Lived in Reading during the 1880 census..
I have photographed the headstone. Headstone said 60 - 4 - 0
Was working a hireling at Soloman Maul's during the 1870 census.
I have his record in the 1900 and 1910 census.

Obituary in the Adams County New (Gettsyburg, PA) Feb 13 1915.  "Howard H. Graff, died on Friday in York aged 60 years.
He is survived by his wife, and one daughter, C. Grace Graff, and C.P. Graff, living at home, and H. B. Graff, of Wheeling, W.VA., and tow brothers, Uriah Graff, West York, and Pierce Graff, of Abbottstown.
Funeral Monday morning, leaving his late home at 8 o'clock.. Services and interment at the Lutheran Church, Abbottstown."

New Oxford Item: 11 Feb 1915- Howard H. Graff died at his home in York @ 3:45 o'clock on Friday morning, aged 60 yeats and 4 months. Mr. Graff's death was due to apoplexy with which he was seized on Sunday morning previous and never regained consciousness, Deceased was born and reared near Abbottstown, but has been living in York for some years.
His wife, who was a Miss Patterson, of Hamilton Township, died some years ago.  Surviving are two sons and one daughter, Miss Grace Graff and C.P. Graff, at home, and H. B. Graff, of Wheeling, W.Va. He is also survived by his mother, Mrs. Susan Graff, now in her 87th year, residing in York; two brothers, Pierce Graff, of Abbottstown; Uriah Graff, of York, and six sisters,, Mrs. Albert  Sunday, of Farmers, York county; Mrs. A.M. Saurbeer, Parsons, KA; Mrs. W.E. Maul, Carlin, NV; Mrs. Jonas Rebert, Hanover; Mrs. W.F. Sheely, of this place, and Miss Lillie Graff, who kept house for the deceased. The funeral took place on Monday morning, services being held at the Lutheran Church at Abbottstown, and interment made in the Abbottstown cemetery, the Rev. F.C. Sternat officiating.

Must have had a second wife, if Mary was dead by 1898, but he was survived by his wife....

A notice in the January 2 1929 Gettysburg Times - 50 years ago, Married - Graff - Patterson, Oct 13, by Rev. W.F. Colliflower, howard Graff, of Paradise township,, York County, to Miss Mollie A. Patterson, of Hamilton township, this county.
23 Jul 1857
Abbottstown, Adams, Pennsylvania
3 Sep 1907
Reading, Berks, Pennsylvania
                   I put the birthplace on for Temple Ready.
I photographed her headstone. It said that she was the wife of William Warren. Idon't see him buried anywhere around here. She is next to the Stovers, and nextto Howard and his wife.
The headstone says that she was born on 24 Jul 1857.
She is in the 1860 census as Allis.
1870 - she is Anna Graeff- 13 years old, a maid in Michael Lau's house.  They are on the same census page as the her grandparents, etc. She is under

See was buried under the name Annie Graff.

She was apparently working as a maid in the household of Michael Lau in the1870 census. She went by Anna.

New Oxford Item 12 Sep 1907.  Mrs. Annie, widow of William Warren, died in a Reading hospital on the 4th  inst. from dropsy and other complications, aged 50 years, 1 month and 9 days. Deceased was a daughter of Mrs. Susan Graff and was bornand reared near Abbottstown. Her husband died about 15 years ago. Besides her mother, three brothers - Pierce Graff, of Abbottstown, Howard and Uriah Graff of York,  and six sisters - Mrs. William Moul of Carbin, NV., Mrs. A, M, Sauerbeer,Parsons, KA., Mrs. Jonas Rebert Smith's Station; Mrs. Albert Sunday, La Bott; Miss Tillie Graff, York; and Mrs. William F. Sheely, Philadelphia St. New Oxford,survive her. The remains were brought to the home of her mother near Abbottstown, on Friday from which place the funeral was held at 10 o'clock Saturday morning, interment being made in the Lutheran Cemetery Abbottstown. Rev. Dr. Clare officiating.
25 Jul 1860
Abbottstown, Adams, Pennsylvania
27 Jun 1954
                   1870 - listed as Kate - deaf and dumb.
I got the H. from the 1880 census.
Death date came from One World Tree.
Was listed as Kate in the 1870 census. If this was her, she was listed as deaf and dumb. This would match.
1889 - in a survey the supposedly had 1 daughter and 2 sons, all hearing.
In her father's obit, there was a Kate who was married to a Rebert, and was living in Hanover in 1944 when her brother Uriah died.
1900 census, she had 4 children, all of whom were living.  They were living in Heidelberg, York, PA.
1907 She is listed as Mrs. Jonas Rebert of Smith's Station in the Obit on her sister Annie.
1915  Mrs. Jonas Rebert of Hanover is mentioned in Howard's obit. She was livingin Hanover, PA.
1918 she was living in Kansas.
1920 census:  Both still alive,  had a daughter Minnie with them. They were living in Hanover.  Katie was deaf.
1930 -  living with Bessie and George in Penn, York, PA.
Still alive in 1937 at Ottila's death. She was Mrs. Jones Rebert, Hanover.
1951 - was alive when her sister Ida died.
1952 - when Clara died, she was listed as Katie Rebert, of Hanover.

** There is a Virtie Edna Rebert, born to Jonas and Katie, born 18 Feb 1890, baptized 7 Mar 1892 @ Bethel Reformed Church at Smith's Station. That would match.

6 -7- 09  I am putting information in as if this were the Kate.
9-27-09  Found a marriage record of Jonas H. Rebert and Katie Graff. Date of marriage was 1880. This was a U.S Special survey on Deaf Marriages and Hearing Relatives 1888- 1895. It says that they were distantly related.
U.S. Special Census on Deaf Family Marriages and Hearing Relatives, 1888-1895  about Katie Graff  - but it says her father and mother were Jacob and Catherine????? She had a sister Juliann C. Graff, born in 1851????

This is really sticky.   Maybe this wasn't Katie????

     Name:	Katie Graff
Gender:	Female
Residence:	Hanover, Pennsylvania
Marriage Date:	1880
Spouse:	Jonas H Rebbert
Gender:	Male
Residence:	Hanover, Pennsylvania, United States
Father:	Jonas Rebbert
Repository:	Gallaudet University

9-27-09 Looks like they were both deaf. She was deaf at birth.
25 May 1862
Abbottstown, Adams, Pennsylvania
1 Nov 1952
San Mateo, California
24 Aug 1879
York, York, Pennsylvania 
                   Living with her mother and child Dora during the 1880 census. Listed as Maul in the Social Security Index.
1900 living in Carlin, Elko, NV.  She had 2 children, both living.
1915 was living in Carlin, NV.
1918 was living in NV.
1944 - Was listed in her brother Uriah's obit, as living in Carlin, NV.
1951 - was living in Millabra, CA.

California Death Index, 1940-1997  about Clara Frances Maul
Name:	Clara Frances Maul [Clara Frances Graff]
Social Security #:	0
Birth Date:	18 May 1862
Birthplace:	Pennsylvania
Death Date:	1 Nov 1952
Death Place:	San Mateo
Mother's Maiden Name:	Stover

Mrs. William Maul:
Word has been received by Mrs. Katie Rebert, Hanover, of the death 2 Nov 1952 ofher sister, Mrs. Clara Graff Maul, 90. Millbrae, Calif., wife of the late William Maul and former resident of Hanover. Mrs. Maul's death resulted from complications following a hip fracture. Besides Mrs. Rebert she leaves two children, twograndchildren and two great greandchildren, all of Millbrae. Burial was in Reno, Nev. Mrs. Rebert, 92, now the last surviving member of the Graff family, whichformerly inculded Mrs. Ida Sheely and Miss Tillie Graff, late of New Oxford.
17 May 1865
York, Pennsylvania
20 Feb 1951
New Oxford, Pa United States
28 Apr 1887
New Oxford, Adams, Pennsylvani 
                   Gettysburg Times obit stated she was buried in the New Oxford cemetery.

1900 census - living in New Bedford. she had 1 child, none of who were living atthat time.
1920 census - living in New Oxford.
1930 - in New Oxford. Living alone - she was a widow.

22 Mar 1951:
The Gettysburg Times:

The Gettysburg Times - 21 Feb 1951
Mrs. Ida Sheely, 85, widow of William P. Sheely, died at her home, Lincolnway east, New oxford, Tues morning at 11:05 from a complication of diseases.
She was a native of York county, a daughter of the late Barnett and Susan (Stover) Graff. Mrs. SHeely was a well-known as an antique dealer. She was a member ofSt. Paul's Evangelical and Reformed Church, New Oxford, and the Ladies Auxiliary of the Hoffman orphanage. Her husband died 25 years ago.
Surviving are two sister, Mrs. Clara Maul, Miullbra, CA; and Mrs. Katie Rebert, Hanover.  A number of nephews and nieces also survive.
Funeral services Friday at 2 PM, interment in the New Oxford cemetery.

The will of Ida L. Sheely, New Oxford, has been entered for probate at the office of the county register and recorder. Bequests of $500 to St. Paul's Reformed Church, New Oxford, and $500 to Hoffman orphanage are provided from the $13,750 estate. Other amounts and specific bequests of furniture and antiques are made torelatives. Myrtle G. Baugher, Roselle, N.J.; Grace Graff, York, and Harold Graff, Martinsburg, W. VA, are named as executors.
Susan Emily GRAFF
10 Jan 1867
Abbottstown, Adams, Pennsylvania
12 Oct 1867
Abbottstown, Adams, Pennsylvania
                   I put the birthplace on for Temple Ready.
I photographed the headstone. Its next to Barnett and Tolbert.
Saw the baptism, birth and death records in St. Johns Records. Father is listed as Barney, mother as Susan.
The headstone said: daughter of Barnet and Susanna. O 12, 1867, 0 - 9 - 2.
14 Jan 1869
Abbottstown, Adams, Pennsylvania
31 Oct 1944
West York, York, Pennsylvania
7 Sep 1899
York, Pennsylvania 
                   Pennsylvania, Church and Town Records, 1708-1985 about Uriah Graef
Name:	Uriah Graef
Birth Date:	14 Jan 1869
Event Type:	Baptism
Baptism Date:	7 Apr 1869
Baptism Place:	Abbottstown, Adams, Pennsylvania
Father Name:	Barney Graef
Mother Name:	Susan Graef
Organization Name:	St John´s Lutheran Church

Was 10 years old and living with his mother during the 1880 census.
1900 census he was living in West Manchester, York, PA.  He was a teamster.
1910 census was living in West Manchester, York, PA.
1915 was living according to his brother Howard's obit.

1944 - when he died he had 2 grandchildren.

East Berlin News: 8 Apr 1927. A fracture of the right leg, suffered on Mar 23, when he was kicked by a horse while in the stables of Uriah Graff, West York, where he was employed, proved fatal Friday to Jonas Smith, at the West Side sanitorium. He was aged 77 years. Smith was found in a helpless condition by his employer on the morning of the accident. He was immediately rushed to the samitorium.

East Berlin News: 25 Jan 1929: Uriah Graff, West York, who is well known here, is anxious to hear from someone who will suggest a way to remove paint from his whiskers and hair. Last Saturday evening Mr. Graff went to the bath room to shaveand in mistake got a tube of green paint for shaving cream. This he put on the shaving brush and smeared all over his face, before he knew what it was. In his effort to remove the paint from his face, he got it into the hair of his head and thus far has been unable to remove it.

Oct 2, 1944 - The Gettysburg Times: "Elderly Man is Hit-Run Victim"
Injuries sustained Friday night when he was struck by a hit-run driver proved fatal to Uriah Graff, 75 years old, West York, shortly before 5 o'clock Saturday morning at the West Side sanitarium. Death was attributed to a crushed and fractured pelvis, head chest and internal injuries.
Mr Graff was crossing West Market street in the 1500 block in West York around 8o'clock Friday night when he was struck.
The victim is survived by one son, Herald Graff, with whom he resided; a daughter, Mrs. James Baugher, Roselle, N.J. ,two grandchildren, and three sisters; Mrs Kate Rebert, Hanover. Mrs. Clara Maul, Carlin, Nev.; and Mrs. Ida Sheeley, New Oxford. He was a member of the Reliance Fire Company, West York.
Funeral services from the A.F. Koller funeral home, 1415 West Market street, York. Tuesday morning at 10 o'clock. Interment in Mt. Rose cemetery.
(6/6/09 - I had him buried at St. Johns, but this proves my information wrong.)
4 Aug 1871
Abbottstown, Adams, Pennsylvania
Bef 1944
                   St. Johns Register had the birth and baptism.
Matilda GRAFF
Abt 1853
Aft 1880
                   The only record I have of this sister is from the 1880 census, where she is living with Prudence and her family. It says that she is a sister-in-law.
FamilyCentral Network
Barnet Graff - Susanna Stover

Barnet Graff was born at PA 10 Oct 1818. His parents were John Henry Graff and Frances Fronica Doll.

He married Susanna Stover . Susanna Stover was born at PA 1 Jan 1828 daughter of Daniel Stover and Catherine Deily .

They were the parents of 15 children:
Prudence Graff born Jul 1845.
Tolbert Graff born 30 Apr 1847.
Ottila Graff born 19 Oct 1848.
Jane (Jennie) C. Graff born Oct 1850.
Francis Pierce King Graff born 4 Apr 1852.
Granville Graff born 22 Jun 1853.
Howard Henry Graff born 5 Nov 1854.
Aristacia (Annie) Graff born 23 Jul 1857.
Catherine (Kate) H. Graff born 25 Jul 1860.
Clara Frances Graff born 25 May 1862.
Ida Louise Graff born 17 May 1865.
Susan Emily Graff born 10 Jan 1867.
Uriah Graff born 14 Jan 1869.
Eva Graff born 4 Aug 1871.
Matilda Graff born Abt 1853.

Barnet Graff died 6 Jun 1871 .

Susanna Stover died 23 Dec 1918 at New Oxford, Adams, Pennsylvania .