18 Feb 1599/1600
Holycross Church, Greenford Magna, Middlesex, England
Abt 1677
Newport, New Port, Rhode Island
Sons of the American Revolution
                   These may not be his parents. Good evidence suggests they may not be. He may nothave been married to Sarah Slaughter either. That may have been the other George Gardiner, the actual son of Michael.

I also have 18 Feb 1599/1600 birthdate. I also have St. James Clerkenwell, London, England.
36 G 32 P 32-33.
He and wife Sarah sailed from Bristol in the ship "Fellowship" amd arrived in Boston on 29 Jun 1637.  This may not be true.
A more reliable source says: He evidently belonged to the Coddington faction, which left Portsmouth and settled Newport in 1639, as on 17 Dec. 1639 he was admitted a Freeman of Newport (Chapin, p. 664. On 12:1 mo.:1640 [1639/40] he was present at a General Court of Elections in Newport (ib., p. 95). On 16 March 1641 hewas on a roll of Freemen and on 17 March 1641/2 he was chosen Constable and Senior Sergeant at Newport and on 13 :1 mot :1644 he was Lieutenant of the Newport Company (ib., pp. 120, 122, 128). The rest of his long life was passed in Newport, where he died about 1677 and certainly before 14 June 1678, when his widow Lydia remarried (Austin's Gen. Dic. of R. I., p. 81).

Of George and his 2nd wife, Herodias Long: They contracted a common law marriage, and lived together on good repente(?) for 18-20 years. She in 1664, petitionedthe commissioners of R.I. to have George give back the property she had before going to live with him, and to pay for the support of her child. The case was heard in 1665 by the general court, which led to the enactment of marriage laws inR.I. George married Lydia Ballin. She survived him, and married William Hawkinsof Providence R.I. June 14, 1678. She died prior to 1722.
Found in Gardner family # B7F 34.
B6G32 P24.

Previously endowed.

4 May 2013:P confusing. The original article I read said they couldn't find immigration evidence for George, but here I found some. Passenger and Immigration Lists Index, 1500s-1900s about George Gardiner
Name:	George Gardiner
Year:	1637
Place:	Rhode Island
Source Publication Code:	9448
Primary Immigrant:	Gardiner, George
Annotation:	In the years from 1925 to 1942, Frederick A. Virkus edited seven volumes with the title, The Abridged Compendium of American Genealogy, published inChicago by the Institute of American Genealogy. Each volume has a section in the main body of the work, co
Source Bibliography:	VIRKUS, FREDERICK A., editor. Immigrant Ancestors: A List of 2,500 Immigrants to America before 1750. Baltimore: Genealogical Publishing Co., 1964. 75p. Repr. 1986.
Page:	32

I don't know if there was a wife with him.

NOTE:  archtype1originally submitted this to Waite Family Tree on 30 Aug 2009 as"History of George Gardiner - d. 1677 /" .....

I could not open the above PDF submission and when I saved it, a portion of the article was not successfully preserved.  I went looking for the will of Michael Gardiner mentioned in the artricle and found the article it self.  I cut and pasted it and here it is.  rb......................


In 1937 Mrs. Clara Gardner Miller and Mr. John Milton Stanton published a genealogy of the ancestors and descendants of Stephen Gardner of Gardner's Lake, Conn., on the bounds of New London and Norwich. This handsome volume gives an excellent account of Stephen Gardner and his descendants, as well as of his father, Benoni Gardiner of Narragansett, and his grandfather and emigrant ancestor, George Gardiner of Newport, R. I. The authors then went further and gave the English ancestry of George Gardiner of Newport, whom they identified with a George Gardiner bapt. 15 Feb. 1599/1600 at Great Greenford, co. Middlesex, the son of the Rev.Michael Gardiner, who was rector of that parish from 16 April 1584 until his death on 22 August 1630. The purpose of this paper is solely to consider this identification. The ancestry of the Rev. Michael Gardiner, as given in this book, isbeyond the scope of this article. In the identification of our early New England settlers with their old homes, across the Atlantic, the evidences in differentcases varies so much and is so diverse in its nature that general rules regarding the proof of such identifications cannot be laid down. Nevertheless, a few general principles apply to all cases. First: The burden of proof is always on theperson seeking to make the identification. Second; The mere similarity of namesin England and New England is not enough, even if chronology permits, to predicate an identification upon this alone. Of course if the name was a very rare or unique one, it would, if the chronology were right, be very strong evidence for the identification. In the present instance neither the name George or Gardiner or their combination is sufficiently uncommon as to come within the last considered modification of the general rule and no identification ean be based upon similarity alone of name in England and America, in this case, without further evidence. With these general considerations, let us turn to the case in question andconsider the evidence for the above cited identification. For this purpose we shall first consider the facts known about the English George Gardiner and then those known about George Gardiner of Newport.
The Rev. Michael Gardiner (son of a Henry Gardiner) married on 1 Sept. 1583 Margaret, daughter of Thomas Browne. She died 17 March 1623/4. They had the following children all baptized at Great Greenford: Henry 25 Feb. 1587/8; Michael 21 Dec. 1589; Thomas 4 March 1591/2; Anne 20 Aug. 1593; John 14 June 1595; and George 15 Feb. 1599/1600. From this list it will be seen that the Rev. Michael followedthe ancient English custom of naming his eldest son for his father, his second for himself and the third for his wife's father. Of these children Henry, Michael and Thomas settled in nearby London. The will of the Rev. Michael Gardiner wasnot given but it was easily available in the printed volume of the Register Scrope (Am. Genealogist, April 1938, p. 244). His will dated 6 Dec. 1629 was proved21 Sept. 1630. He names his grandchildren Mary and Martha Watersfield; his son Henry's son Michael; Thomas, George, Henry, Michael, Rebecca, Margaret, Elisabeth and Mary children of his son Thomas; and his own sons Michael, Thomas, John and George. The executor was his son Henry (P.C.C. 75 Scrope). On 28 March 1630 George Gardiner, whom our authors identify, probably correctly, with the son of the Rev. Michael, had a license to marry at St. James's Clerkenwell, London, SarahSlaughter. This completes our account of George Gardiner of Great Greenford andLondon. We now turn to the career of George Gardiner of Newport. In view of thefact that we have the baptism of George, son of the Rev. Michael, the birth date of George Gardiner of Newport becomes a matter of vital importance to the identification. There is no record, so far as is known, of the age of our Newport man-- no deposition of his has so far been unearthed and his gravestone is not in existence. Consequently his age cannot be exactly known and his approximate age can only be arrived at by inference from a full and careful study of his career in New England. The loss of the Newport records has deprived us of his will, which from an entry in the Providence records he is known to have made, as well as of much other valuable information about him. However, a careful study of the Rhode Island Colony records and other records, now in existence, enables us to give a complete list of his children, as well as much interesting material about his life.
The first statement about his parentage, which is worthy of serious consideration, is that which appeared in a publication entitled "No. 2. Gardiner, Maine, Historical Series, Silvester Gardiner" by Henry Sewell Webster, Gardiner, Maine, 1913. It is there stated, after some loose preliminary talk about mediaeval knights in Lancashire and a connection with Norman houses listed in that worthless compilation, The Battle Abbey Roll, that George Gardiner was bapt. 15 Feb. 1599/1600 and that he married Sarah Slaughter at St. James's Church, Clerkenwell, London, on 28 (sic) March 1630. It is further stated that he sailed from Bristol in the ship "Fellowship" and arrived in Boston on 29 June 1637; in October 1638 he was residing on Aquidneck; Benoni, third son of George and Sarah, was born in London in 1636 or 1637 and was, therefore, an infant at the time of the emigration. No reference or authority for these statements is given. The name of George Gardiner does not appear in the Shipping Lists preserved in the Public Record Officeat London and printed, almost seventy years ago, by Hotten. He does not appear in the late Col. Banks's "Planters of the Commonwealth'' or in the latter's Topographical Dictionary of 2,885 English emigrants to leave England 1620-50. There is no mention of him in Winthrop's Journal, nor is there anything about his English origin in the New England Historical and Genealogical Register. The first known fact about him is when he appeared at Portsmouth, R. I., in 1638.  (This does not seem to be accurate,  see **  rb) In view of these facts these statements cannot be given serious consideration, all the more so as they, apparently, originated with an outstanding genealogical romancer, the late Col. Asa Bird Gardiner of New York City. From this loose and unauthenticated statement we turn to what the records have to tell us about our Newport settler.
On 20:3 mo. :1638 George Gardiner was admitted an inhabitant of Aquidneck (Chapin's Doc. History of R. I., II, 117) and on the last Thursday in the 8th mot(h) 1639 the land "which was George Gardiner's" at Portsmouth is mentioned (Portsmouth Records, p. 5). He evidently belonged to the Coddington faction, which left Portsmouth and settled Newport in 1639, as on 17 Dec. 1639 he was admitted a Freeman of Newport (Chapin, p. 664. On 12:1 mo.:1640 [1639/40] he was present at a General Court of Elections in Newport (ib., p. 95). On 16 March 1641 he was on a roll of Freemen and on 17 March 1641/2 he was chosen Constable and Senior Sergeant at Newport and on 13 :1 mot :1644 he was Lieutenant of the Newport Company (ib., pp. 120, 122, 128). The rest of his long life was passed in Newport, where hedied about 1677 and certainly before 14 June 1678, when his widow Lydia remarried (Austin's Gen. Dic. of R. I., p. 81).
In view of the fact that we have no statement regarding his age, the ages of hiswife and children become a matter of importance in arriving at an approximate estimation of his age. In or about 1643 or 1644 he formed a connection with Herodias (Long) Hicks, the wife of John Hicks of Weymouth and Newport and later of Newtown and Hempstead on Long Island (Savage's Gen. Dic. of N. E, Vol. II, 410). This John Hicks first appears in Weymouth about 1636-8, when he was granted land there (Weymouth Hist. Soc. No. 2, p. 276). On 14:7 mo.:1640 he was admitted a Freeman at Newport (Chapin, II, 103) and his name occurs in the list of those admitted inhabitants of Newport since 1:3 mo.:1638 (ib., 118). He was on the roll ofFreemen of 16 March 1641 (ib., 120). He last appears in Newport on 7:1 mo.:1644, when he was bound to keep the peace for beating his wife Harwood (Herodias) Hicks (ib., p. 151). The cause for this conduct may be reasonably inferred as the result of her escapades with George Gardiner, as on 12 Dec. (apparently 1644) Hicks addressed a letter from Flushing to John Coggeshall on the subject of his wife's bad conduct (ib., p. 152). He subsequently obtained a divorce from her at Long Island, where he henceforth lived. He remarried and raised a family there. From this time George Gardiner and Herodias lived together as common-law man and wife until 1665, during which time they raised a large family. In the Spring of 1665 Herodias petitioned the King's Commissioners for a separation from Gardiner, which they referred to Gov. Arnold, who on 3 May 1665 laid it before the General Assembly. In this petition she calls herself Hored Long and states that upon the death of her father she was sent to London by her mother and there, unbeknownst to her friends, she was privately married to John Hicks in St. Faith's Church under "Paules Church" and a little while after was brought to New England, when she was between 13 and 14 years old and lived 2½ years at Weymouth and then came to Rhode Island about 1640, where she has lived ever since, "until she came to Pettyquamscott." Not long after her coming to Rhode Island there happened a difference between herself and John Hicks and "the authority that then was under grace saw cause to part us." She then relates that Hicks went to the Dutch, taking most of her property with him and that, not being accustomed to labour, she joined up with George Gardiner for her maintenance but was never properly marriedto him. She desired a separation from him and that he cease to trouble her. This the Assembly decreed after discovering that there had been no regular marriage. It further fined both the parties and passed a law to prevent such further occurrences (R. I. Colony Rec. II, 99-105). The real reason for her desire for separation, after some twenty-one years as the reputed wife of George Gardiner, appears in a petition presented to the same session of the General Assembly by Margaret Porter, the wife of John Porter, a very well-to-do inhabitant of Portsmouth,who had apparently gone over to Pettyquamscut leaving her without means of support and dependent on her children, as her petition states. She asks that her husband be made to provide for her. The Court, finding her statement to be true andthat there was danger of her husband's conveying away his estate and taking to heart the sad condition of "this poor anciante matron," decreed that all conveyances made by Porter of his estate, not being recorded, shall be void and that heshould not dispose of his estate, until he had made proper provision for her support. It exempted from this order certain conveyance made by Porter to Gov. Arnold, for which he had received a real and valuable consideration (ib., pp. 119-21). Subsequently, on 27 June 1665, his property was released, as he had made a proper provision for his wife and one which satisfied her (Austin, p. 155). This John Porter was one of the important citizens of Portsmouth and was one of the five Pettyquamscut purchasers of a large tract of land in the Narragansett Country from the Indi
n Sachems. Not long afterwards he married Herodias and, about 1671-73 made largeconveyances of his Pettyquamscut lands to Herodias' children.
The children of George and Herodias were seven in number, apparently born in thefollowing order: Benoni (certainly the eldest), Henry, George, William, Nicholas, Dorcas and Rebecca, the latter, apparently, the child at the breast, whom Herodias took with her to Weymouth, when she went there to bear witness. She was a zealous Quakeress, for which she was whipped in Boston on 11:3 mot 1658 (Bishop's New England Judged, pp. 52, 406). Benoni testified in 1727, calling himself "aged 90 years and upwards" (Austin, p. 81). If this statement is correct, he was born in or shortly before 1637 and so could not have been the son of Herodias. However, there is no doubt but that Benoni overstated his age considerably. Anyone, who has had experience with Colonial depositions and gravestones, knows that,in nine cases out of ten, the ages given are usually some years off the true age. This variation is usually from one to four years out, but this writer has metinstances where the age given is from six to ten years out. He has in mind particularly the deposition of a Marblehead man, where the age he gave himself was ten years out, and the gravestone of President John Coggeshall at Newport makes him born in 1591, whereas he was baptized at Halstead, co. Essex, on 9 Dec. 1601 (Austin, p. 49; N. E. Hist. Gen. Reg. LXXIII, 29). Of course cases of so large adiscrepancy are comparatively rare.
Benoni, at the time he made this deposition, was a very old man and very old people have, as is well known, a tendency to overstate their age. Fu
Herodias LONG
Abt 1620
Universal Genealogy, ALIAS: 5522-8021, GENDB
Millennium File
                   Of Newport, Newport,R.I. Previously endowed.
First name at one time was listed as Harwood.
London, Middlesex, England
Portsmith, Newport, Rhode Island
1645 , Newport, Rhode Island
1643-45         Benoni Gardiner, son of George and Herodias (Long) Gardiner, wasprobably born in Newport, Rhode Island.  No information on the Gardiner childrens birthdates survived the destruction of Newports records.  In 1727 Benoni Gardner estimated his age as  ninety years and upward, making his birth year about 1637, probably an exaggeration.  His brother Henry was probably more accurate with an estimated birth year of 1645.

The Biblical "Benoni" was the son of Abraham and Sarah.  Sarah died giving birthto Benoni, and New Englanders sometimes named sons Benoni when their mothers died in childbed.  However, Herodias definitely survived Benonis birth.  She probably noted the highly troubled circumstances surrounding Benonis arrival bygiving him a Hebrew name meaning child of my sorrow.

See my Gardiner documentation on my computer.  He may have been born as late as 1646 in Rhode Island.
Some people had him as the child of Sarah Slaughter, other think he was the child of Herodias Long.
Karen's information also has the mother of Nathaniel as Mary Sherman (Dyer)
born about 1636. One place had his birthdate as 1636, I went with the one from the Utah Geneological Society.

5/4/2013. He may have been the son of Herodias Long and George Gardiiner.

Benoni testified in 1727, calling himself "aged 90 years and upwards" (Austin, p. 81). If this statement is correct, he was born in or shortly before 1637 and so could not have been the son of Herodias. However, there is no doubt but that Benoni overstated his age considerably. Anyone, who has had experience with Colonial depositions and gravestones, knows that, in nine cases out of ten, the ages given are usually some years off the true age. This variation is usually from one to four years out, but this writer has met instances where the age given is from six to ten years out. He has in mind particularly the deposition of a Marblehead man, where the age he gave himself was ten years out, and the gravestone of President John Coggeshall at Newport makes him born in 1591, whereas he was baptized at Halstead, co. Essex, on 9 Dec. 1601 (Austin, p. 49; N. E. Hist. Gen. Reg. LXXIII, 29). Of course cases of so large a discrepancy are comparatively rare.Benoni, at the time he made this deposition, was a very old man and very old people have, as is well known, a tendency to overstate their age. Furthermore, he was not a well educated man; he usually signed with a mark. One careful antiquary in the writer's own family who was well acquainted with the Narragansett records once described him as "an illiterate old man" at the time this deposition wasmade. His brother, Henry, usually allowed to have been the second child of George and Herodias, deposed in March 1738 and called himself "about 93 years of age" (Austin, p. 81). This statement of his age, making himself born about 1645-6 fits far better with all the known facts. Nicholas, the fifth child, testified on12 March 1710/1, and called himself "aged about 57 years (ib.), thus placing his birth in or about 1654; a date which would coincide very well with that given by Henry and with the other known facts. In addition to all this there is further evidence of a very strong nature tending to show that Benoni was also a son ofHerodias.
Abt 1645/46
Newport, New Port, Rhode Island
                   Previously endowed.
Newport, New Port, Rhode Island
13 Feb 1670
New England 
                   Previously endowed.

Mother may have been Herodias Long Hicks.
Abt 1651
Newport, New Port, Rhode Island
                   Previously endowed.
Abt 1654
Newport, New Port, Rhode Island
                   Previously endowed.
Abt 1656
Newport, New Port, Rhode Island
                   Previously endowed.
Abt 1658
Newport, New Port, Rhode Island
                   Previously endowed.
FamilyCentral Network
George Gardiner - Herodias Long

George Gardiner was christened at Holycross Church, Greenford Magna, Middlesex, England 18 Feb 1599/1600. His parents were Michael Gardiner and Margaret Browne.

He married Herodias Long 1643/44 . Herodias Long was born at Abt 1620 daughter of Robert Long and Elizabeth Mrs Long .

They were the parents of 7 children:
Benoni Gardiner born 1636/37.
Henry Gardiner born Abt 1645/46.
George Gardiner born 1650.
William Gardiner born Abt 1651.
Nicholas Gardiner born Abt 1654.
Dorcas Gardiner born Abt 1656.
Rebecca Gardiner born Abt 1658.

George Gardiner died Abt 1677 at Newport, New Port, Rhode Island .