17 Nov 1678
Glasgow, Lanark, Scotland
16 Jul 1740
Donegal Springs, Lancaster, Pennsylvania
Presbyterian Church Yard, Donegal, Lancaster, Pennsylvania
5 Dec 1712
Philadelphia, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
History of the Donegal Presbyterian Church to 1902
                   The Reverend James Anderson was born in Scotland and went to Edinburgh and was ordained there. He arrived on Apr 22, 1709, came to Virginia first, but was thought to strict, went to New York for awhile, but was not liked, and then moved to Donegal Springs, just outside of Marietta, PA. He settled in, was the first pastor and stayed there until he died, in 1740. He took an active part in the development of the Presbyterian Church in America, and he has left a memorable record.For references see: 1) Sprague's Annals of the American Pulpit, Vol III page 19. 2) Webster's History of the Presbyterian Church, pp 326-332. 3) Nevin's History of Presbytery of Philadelphia, pp 98-99. 4) Centennial History of Presbytery of Carlisle, Vol II, pp 17-21. 5) Pennsylvania Geneologies 1st edition, pp 24-25.6) Notes and Queries by Dr. Egle, Vol I, page 380. 7) History of Lancaster County, PA. pp 774-775.
He is buried in the Presbyterian Churchyard, Donegal Springs, Lancaster, PA.
I also have the place of marriage as New Castle, DEL.
I have a birth place of Dowhill, Glasgow, Scotland and death place as Marietta, Lancaster, PA (IGI pedigree).

Passenger and Immigration Lists Index, 1500s-1900s about James Anderson
Name:	James Anderson
Year:	1709
Place:	New England
Source Publication Code:	9760
Primary Immigrant:	Anderson, James
Annotation:	Covers era prior to 1855. Compiled from correspondence and monument inscriptions, 17th and, mainly, 18th century. Prepared for the Scottish Genealogical Society. 6,470 emigrants.
Source Bibliography:	WHYTE, DONALD. A Dictionary of Scottish Emigrants to the USA. Vol. 1. Baltimore: Magna Carta Book Co., 1972. 504p. 2nd pr., 1981.
Page:	9

History of the Donegal Presbyterian Church to 1902:  pg 54 - 55
The name Anderson again appears.  The ministers who served as pastors of Donegalwill be noticed in the order of their ministration.
The first pastor of Donegal, "The Rev. James Anderson was born in Scotland, November 17, 1678; he was ordained by Irvine Presbytery, November 17, 1798; he arrived in this country April 22, 1709; he settled in Newcastle; he was called to supply a church in the city of New York, where he remained until 1726; he was called September 24th, to Donegal on the Susquehanna and accepted it; he was installed the last Wednesday in August 1727." (Webster's History).
"The Donegal Presbytery was organized and held its first meeting at Donegal, Oct. 11, 1732, and consisted of Messrs. Anderson, Boydm Orr, Thompson of Chestnut Level, and he proposed to Donegal Prebytery to employ an itinerant in Virginia. In April 1738, Anderson was sent to Virginia, bearing a letter to the government of Virginia soliciting its favor in behalf of our interests. They Synod providedsupplies for his pulpit and allowed for his expenses in a manner suitable to his design. Anderson performed his mission satisfactorily, He married Mistress Suit Garland, daughter of Sylvester Garland, of the head of Apoquinomy, February, 1712-13. She  died Dec. 27th, 1737." (Webster's History, page 332)
Anderson died July 16, 1740. (He and his wife, Suit, are buried at Donegal, grave No 127.) "His son, Garland Anderson, was one of the witnesses of Andrew's will(Jedidiah) in 1742. He married Jane, daughter of Peter Chevalier, of Philadelphia; he died early. His daughter, Elizabeth, married Samuel Breeze and resided inNew York; a woman of great excellence." (Webster's History.)
The list of the Rev. James Anderson's children is from a mutilated leaf of his family Bible. In his will the names of James, Susannah and Thomas alone occur, but he refers to all his children. He left a large estate, including the present site of Marietta, the ferry called "Anderson's Ferry" and land on the opposite side of the river.

The will of the Rev. James Anderson (a true copy);
"The last will and testament of James Anderson of Donegal, in Lancaster County. Imprimis, I give and bequeath to my dearly beloved wife, Rebecca Anderson, the half of the plantation whereon I now live, including the house, barn, run to or about the place where the Banks's house and umprovements was, with some land at the riverside bottom, suring her natural life; also I give and bequeath to her assigns foreve the third part of my moveable estate and ye use and services of thenegro wench DInah while she and Dinah lives. In the next place, I give and bequeath to my son James, the other half  of this plantation to him, his heirs and assigns forever, to the possession of which he is to enter when at age or marries, and that piece of land over the river opposite to the place I also give to himand his heirs forever. I have payd and have a warrant in lien under the hand ofReceiver General and paid for the patent to Mr. Peter;s to him and his heirs and assigns forever. I also give and bequeath to him the negro man Pline to him and his heirs and assigns forever; this in the meantime mu will is that he pay onehalf of the mortgage and quit rent yearly till all the mortgage be payed. Item:I give to my daughter Susannah the negro wench Bell to her and her heirs. Item:I give to my dearly belived wife Rebecca my son Thomas as her won son and childto be brought up by her as her own in the way she shall see caise. Tho' my desire is that if possible that he may be brought up to learning and particularly tothe ministry, and that half of the plantation that I have to my wife during hernatural life fall in after her decease to him and his heirs and assigns forever. The remains of my estate, if there be any, my will is that it be equally divided between all my children. Item: My will that if any of my children die withoutheirs that is hereby left to them shall be equally divided between all the rest. Item: I leave my said dearly beloved wife sole and only executix of this my last will. ItemL I give to my niece Susannah Bradford those bills and bonds which belonged to my former father-in-law, now in the hands of Mr. Sherer of Newcastle.  "JA. ANderson
"This 14th day of Jul 1840, witness William Allison, Robert Allison."

"Be it remembered that on the 22nd day of  Jul, Anno Dom 1740, the last will andtestament of James Anderson, Dec'd, was proven in the due form of law and administration with the Testament of the Said Dec'd annexed was granted unto Rebecca Anderson and Garland Anderson (the executrix having renounced) they having firstgiven Bond well and truly to administer the Said Dec's Estate and bring an inventory thereof unto the register's office in lancasater County on or before the 24th day of Ausut next and also to render an account of Said Administration on orbefore the 24th day of Jul, 1741
"Given under the Seal of the Said Office "Sa. Blunstan Dep. Regter."

All of his children were his first wife's. His son Garland becomes one of his administrators, although not mentioned in his will as a legatee.
The following is an abstract from the will of his son James Anderson (no. 2), and a quotation from a deed is inserted as corroborative evidence to the chart of the family on pages 58 and 59:
Abstract of the will of James Anderson (no. 2) dated 1790:
"Wife Margaret, son James Anderson (no. 3), son in law William Kelly, three grandchildren, Elizabeth, John and Ruth Kelly, children of my daughter Susannah; grandson James Anderson (no 4), granddaughter Margaret Anderson, grandson Joseph Tate Anderson, granddaughter Ruth Anderson, grandson Thomas Anderson and gradnson William Anderson. Executors, my wife, son James and Richard Keys."

Quotation from deed between Thomas ahd James Anderson:
"This identure, Sept. 2, 1758, between Thomas Anderson (No. 5) of Donegal Township yeoman, and Mary, his wife, of the one part, and James Anderson (no. 2) yeoman of the other part, whereas James Anderson (no. 1), deceased, father of the above named Thomas and James Anderson, by last will, duly executed and proved amongother things, did devise and bequeath unto his wife Rebecca one -half part of his plantation, whereon at the time of executing the said will he lived, during her natural life, and after her decease to his son Thomas, party to these presents, and the other half part to his son James Anderson, party to these presents, etc."
New Castle, New Castle, Delaware
24 Dec 1736
Donegal, Lancaster, Pennsylvania
Presbyterian Church Yard, Donegal, Lancaster, Pennsylvania
                   I also see the first name as SODT and Syttia, or Suit.
I also have a marriage date of 5 Dec 1712. I used the Steuart book date. She died of Small pox.
Another source said that she was born in VA (IGI pedigree).
21 Nov 1714
New Castle, New Castle, Delaware
1 Jun 1790
6 May 1739
Nantucket, Nantucket, Massachu 
24 Jul 1716
New Castle, New Castle, Delaware
Lancaster, Pennsylvania
                   Endowments done as Mrs. Ann Stewart. Married to John Stewart.

I had this with no notes, and then I found the death date and confirmation of the birthdate on McCarthy Family Tree. They did not have her married.
24 Jul 1716
New Castle, New Castle, Delaware
17 Feb 1717
New Castle, New Castle, Delaware
Elizabeth ANDERSON
23 Feb 1718
New York City, New York, New York
23 Feb 1718
New York City, New York, New York
14 May 1721
New York City, New York, New York
1 Jun 1790
Donegal, Lancaster, Pennsylvania
                   Buried in grave no. 128.
18 Dec 1722
New York City, New York, New York
13 Jan 1724
New York
8 Oct 1781
Camden, Kershaw, South Carolina
14 Sep 1725
Albemarle, Virginia
8 Oct 1781
Rutherford, North Carolina
                   Mentioned in her father's will.
Mar 1726
New York City, New York, New York
Jul 1728
Donegal, Lancaster, Pennsylvania
                   No children.
Jul 1730
New York City, New York, New York
Aug 1730
New Castle, Delaware
                   Mentioned in his father's will.
Occupation: Blacksmith.
Mar 1736
New York City, New York, New York
FamilyCentral Network
James Anderson - Suttia Garland

James Anderson was born at Glasgow, Lanark, Scotland 17 Nov 1678. His parents were George Anderson and Mary Matthews.

He married Suttia Garland 5 Dec 1712 at Philadelphia, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania . Suttia Garland was born at New Castle, New Castle, Delaware 1694 daughter of Silvester Garland and Soetji Vanderculin .

They were the parents of 14 children:
Garland Anderson born 21 Nov 1714.
Ann Anderson born 24 Jul 1716.
Daniel Anderson born 24 Jul 1716.
Mary Anderson born 17 Feb 1717.
Elizabeth Anderson born 23 Feb 1718.
Sylvester Anderson born 23 Feb 1718.
James Anderson born 14 May 1721.
Robert Anderson born 18 Dec 1722.
John A. Anderson born 13 Jan 1724.
Susannah Anderson born 14 Sep 1725.
William Anderson born Mar 1726.
Anderson born Jul 1728.
Thomas Anderson born Jul 1730.
George Anderson born Mar 1736.

James Anderson died 16 Jul 1740 at Donegal Springs, Lancaster, Pennsylvania .

Suttia Garland died 24 Dec 1736 at Donegal, Lancaster, Pennsylvania .